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Char Counter Plugin
Display the number of characters at the bottom bar of the editor and will be updated with every character you add or remove. Also, it allows you to limit the number of characters that a user can enter in the editor.
Plugin options:
charCounterCount Boolean - Default: True | Enables or disables the display of the character counter. |
charCounterMax Number - Default: -1 | The maximum number of characters allowed to be inserted into the rich text editor. -1 means that there is no limit set. |
Plugin methods:
charCounter.count() returns: Integer | Returns the number of characters in the editor. |
Plugin events:
charCounter.exceeded () | Triggered when the maxCharNumber was exceeded. |
charCounter.update () | Triggered when the charCounter should update. |
Add Plugin to your code:
Plugin name: charCounter
Plugin JS Script: ../js/plugins/char_counter.min.js
Or from CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/froala-editor@latest/js/plugins/char_counter.min.js
Plugin CSS link: ../css/plugins/char_counter.min.css