
Froala Editor v4.2.2 is hereLEARN MORE

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Free JavaScript Image Uploader Powered by Froala

Enhance your forms with a sleek image uploader.


Upload images from any location on the web.


Image Manager Included

Helps your users browse through or delete images they have uploaded.


Drag and Drop

Upload your images just by dragging them to the upload area




Give your users amazing image uploading experience with less than 50KB file


Ajax Ready

Upload images without reloading the page.


File Validation

Limit your users to a specific file type, size, image dimensions, or write your own custom validator.


Upload to the Cloud

Send files directly to Amazon’s Storage Service (S3)


Simple to Style and Customize

It starts with an image placeholder from your choice and pop up menu can be easily styled using CSS


Responsive design

Use it on any device, the image uploader will automatically adabted to the screen size.


Progress Bar

Let users know the image uploading progress.


Image Previews & Scaling

Once file is uploaded, the user will be able to preview & resize it.

By Devs, for Devs

Since it's part from Froala Editor, it is developed and maintained by experts.

Code quality and architecture, documentation and guides make the Froala image uploader a pleasure to use for any developer

Easy server integration

SDK libraries for +5 different server types are ready for download and inclusion in your project. Handling upload, validation, or delete  images will be easier than any time ago.

Powerful API

Froala Page Builder comes with a powerful JavaScript API that allows you to easily customize and interact with the image uploader.

Modular architecture

Build with a modular, plugin-based architecture allowing you to load only the plugin you’re using. also, you can easily extend the Froala image uploader’s functionality. 

Get Started

Try Froala Image uploader

It’s fast, sleek, has a comprehensible API, and comes with an image manager already included. Download Froala WYSIWYG Editor to get started.

Looking for adding a rich content editing Feature?

You already have it, use the same script to enable rich
content editing using Froala WYSIWYG editor and enjoy.

fast loading

Faster page loading

Avoid multiple server requests.
fast loading

Easier to maintain product

Don’t worry about conflicts and redundancy, and enjoy API consistency.


Froala WYSIWYG Editor is not free, the Froala Image Uploader works under Froala and is applied the same rules of free use. You can check out our plans to learn more

Froala WYSIWYG Editor is the full editor that appears when Froala initialized on dev or textarea elements, it allows rich edit content functionality with +100 features e.g. adding images, tables, videos and more, see all of them here. Froala image uploader is when Froala WYSIWYG Editor is initialized on image, in this case it can be used to upload and edit images inside HTML forms.

While Multiple image uploads are supported by Froala WYSIWYG editor through the file manager plugin, Froala image uploader allows only uploading one file by one.

Currently, it is designed to be used for only images, however, its modular architecture allows you to modify it for working for other files.


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