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Save inside FORM

Saving the content of the rich text editor inside a FORM is the easiest way to get the edited content on server side and store it. Basically, the WYSIWYG HTML editor is initialized on a textarea inside a form and the content is sent to the server as value of the textarea.

Initialize the WYSIWYG HTML editor

<form action="save" method="POST">
  <textarea name="editor_content" id="myEditor"></textarea>

  $(function() {
      .editable({inlineMode: false})

Receive request on the server

When the submit button is hit, the FORM content will be sent to the server. The content will be sent in the editor_content parameter of the request (which is the name of the textarea) and the server has to process the request and save the data in the DB.

PHP example: For the code above you would get the rich text editor's content in $_POST['editor_content'] variable.