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.NET SDK Image Reference

Upload (httpContext, fileRoute, options)

Returns: Object

Method used to upload image to the specified location on disk.


  • httpContext

    All the HTTP specific information for the HTTP request.

    Type: HttpContext

  • fileRoute

    The server route where the image will be uploaded. This route must be public to be accessed by the editor.

    Type: String

  • options

    This parameter is optional. It can be used to pass custom options for the image upload. All available options are described below. Short example:

    MagickGeometry resizeGeometry = new MagickGeometry(300, 300);
    resizeGeometry.IgnoreAspectRatio = true;
    /// Custom options.
    FroalaEditor.ImageOptions options = new FroalaEditor.ImageOptions
      ResizeGeometry = resizeGeometry

    Type: ImageOptions

options parameter:

  • Fieldname

    Tag name that points to the file.

    Type: String
  • Validation

    Specified the allowed image extensions and mimetypes.

    Type: ImageValidation
    /// Allowed image validation default extensions.
    public static string[] AllowedImageExtsDefault = new string[] { "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "svg", "blob" };
    /// Allowed image validation default mimetypes.
    public static string[] AllowedImageMimetypesDefault = new string[] { "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/x-png", "image/png", "image/svg+xml" };
  • ResizeGeometry

    Used to resize the image to a fixed size.

    Type: MagickGeometry


If the upload is completed successfully, the method returns an object with the absolute path to the uploaded image. If an error occurs, the method throws an exception.

  return Json(FroalaEditor.Image.Upload(System.Web.HttpContext.Current, uploadPath));
catch (Exception e)
  return Json(e);

Delete (filePath)

Method used to delete an image from disk. Throws an exception if an error occurs.


  • filePath

    The server image path.

    Type: String

List (folderPath, thumbPath)

Returns: List<object>

Method used to list all images from disk.


  • folderPath

    The path of the folder from where the images are being loaded.

    Type: String

  • thumbPath

    This parameter is optional. The path of the folder from where the image thumbs are being loaded.

    Type: String


If the load is completed successfully, the method returns a list with objects containing the image url, thumb and name. If an error occurs, the method throws an exception.

string uploadPath = "/Public/";

  return Json(FroalaEditor.Image.List(uploadPath));
catch (Exception e)
  return Json(e);

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