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- Version 3
- View V3 Changelog
- Version 2
- 2.9.8
- 2.9.7
- 2.9.6
- 2.9.5
- 2.9.4
- 2.9.3
- 2.9.2
- 2.9.1
- 2.9.0
- 2.8.5
- 2.8.4
- 2.8.3
- 2.8.2
- 2.8.1
- 2.8.0
- 2.7.6
- 2.7.5
- 2.7.4
- 2.7.3
- 2.7.2
- 2.7.1
- 2.7.0
- 2.6.6
- 2.6.5
- 2.6.4
- 2.6.3
- 2.6.2
- 2.6.1
- 2.6.0
- 2.5.1
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.2
- 2.4.1
- 2.4.0
- 2.4.0-rc.1
- 2.3.5
- 2.3.4
- 2.3.3
- 2.3.2
- 2.3.1
- 2.3.0
- 2.2.4
- 2.2.3
- 2.2.2
- 2.2.1
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.5
- 2.0.4
- 2.0.3
- 2.0.2
- 2.0.1
- 2.0.0
- 2.0.0-rc.3
- 2.0.0-rc.2
- 2.0.0-rc.1
- Version 1
- View V1 Changelog
Version 2.9.8
Release Date: April 30, 2020
- Hotfixes - this will be the FINAL V2 release
- Fixed critical error [Uncaught TypeError] of undefined property on Image Manager
Version 2.9.7
Release Date: April 21, 2020
- Hotfixes
- Improved copy paste content from external sources with formatted/not formatted
- Hotfix for drag/drop, delete non-contenteditable elements
- Enhanced feature to apply style on list bullets while styling list item content
- Hotfix for document ready mode styles
- Added font-awesome 5 icon set
- Hotfix for app crash/freeze with table cell selection
- Hotfix for type check while uploading images
- Included custom request headers for download requests
- Hotfix added for placeholder issues
- Improved drag and drop features
- Hotfix for video insert with URL and embed options
- Hotfix for popup alignments in different screens
- Hotfix for cursor positioning with image and table
- Improved indentation on list with nested elements
- Hotfix for video content missing after re-initialization
- Hotfix for documentReady mode with iframe
- Hotfix for backspace deleting extra characters
- Hotfix for embedly integration
Version 2.9.6
Release Date: June 28, 2019
- Hotfixes
- Fixed editor crashes on paste of list from MS Word
- Dragging images creates new row in Edge
- Fixed duplicating icons on enter
- Fixed line-height on table cells
- Spaces break image captions in Firefox
- Improved cursor position
- Fixed selection of multiple cells in table
- Improved copy paste in edge browser
- Fixed loss of formatting on bulleted list
- Fixed scrollbar issue on word paste
- Improved element deletion on backspace, delete and ctrl+backspace
- Improved listing copy paste from word
- Fixed $ truncation on selection of color
- Improved table popup for cells
- Improved code view presentation
- Added rel attribute
- Popup does not disappear after inserting video. (safari)
- Creating Empty div with inline style and inserting one br tag
- Fixed Infinite upload when pasting larger image
- Fixed Problems deleting after selecting all
- Improved list ordering
- Improved pasting of tables using html.insert()
- Improved popup with iframe
- Fixed allowed editing on contenteditable="false"
- Improved line breaker between table and image
- Fixed Slovak, Czech & Russian translations
- Improved indentation on list
- Fixed freezing editor when specific table cell selection
Version 2.9.4
Release Date: April 8, 2019
- Enhancements
- Improved selection via Ctrl+Shift+Arrow (or Option+Shift+Arrow).
- Reposition quick insert to the right of the cursor in fullscreen.
- Pasting with linkAlwaysBlank option enabled.
- Image caption translation.
- Pasted URL does not become clickable in Firefox when iframe option is enabled.
- Long placeholder text wraps outside bounds of editor on narrow screen.
- Improved tooltips positioning.
- Inline editor toolbar doesn't hide on text paste from the clipboard for image caption.
- Improve Word Paste for lists, images, links, tables, margins.
- Improve Word Paste for excel like color, font-family.
- Hotfixes
- Broken event handlers since 2.9.2.
- Exiting fullscreen mode breaks layout in Firefox.
- Pasting links into Froala within Bootstrap Modal scrolls page to top.
- Toolbar is not sticky in Bootstrap modal.
- Pasting on iOS since Froala 2.9.3.
- Stray br elements in dom when clearing list by hitting backspace.
- Edit video popup not showing.
- All style reset to default after pasting any content from Chrome Search Bar.
- imageResizeWithPercent not working.
- Image upload cancel doesn't work correctly.
- Copy / paste from another FE instance.
- Width is not set on new table rows.
- Print is adding an additional blank page.
- Image has black content.
- Improved accessibility for image and tables
- Deleting the last character of a paragraph deletes that paragraph.
- keepFormatOnDelete is not working correctly.
- Editing a font awesome icon causes the material-icon icon to disappear.
- Quick insert doesn't work right with toolbarInline option enabled.
- Focus event is not fired.
- Code View scrollbar in fullscreen mode IE.
- Trivial bug in documentReady mode.
- Font size for Font Awesome icon cannot be changed.
- Bug when adding an image that has a caption and a hyperlink.
- cssText not working correctly in Safari.
- Image click issues.
Version 2.9.3
Release Date: February 13, 2019
- Add imageAddNewLine option.
- Enhancements
- Show shortcuts in the quotes dropdown.
- Clear formatting is cleaning block tags style, not only the inline styles.
- When pasting the cursor is now placed at the end of the most inner text element.
- Add feedback when a wrong link is inserted for video.
- Add support for placeholders higher than editor height.
- Add support for using Youtube params in URL.
- Improve list style type recognition when pasting from Word.
- Improve space retention around void elements.
- Improve the pasting of new lines from plain text.
- Improve support for htmlUntouched option.
- Improve dragging text in IE.
- Hotfixes
- New lines were added with multiLine option disabled.
- Incorrect position of the Image Manager tags when using Font Awesome 5.
- Microsoft Word was pasting images incorrectly when formulas were on the page.
- Blockquotes in empty editor were not being removed.
- Image caption was adding unwanted non-breaking spaces when switching to code view.
- Sticky toolbar was working incorrectly in Firefox.
- Advanced list buttons were aligned incorrectly in RTL mode.
- Focusing in an empty editor was adding an unwanted new line at the top in Firefox.
- Blur event was triggered incorrectly in IE when selecting an option from dropdowns.
- Adding lists inside a table was causing incorrect HTML markup depending on the selection.
- Clicking on image caption was triggering the blur event.
- The quick insert button was positioned incorrectly in iframe mode.
- Image size was not kept correctly when adding a caption.
- Pasting was possible in disabled mode.
- Video popup was not showing when a single option was used for inserting videos.
- Pasting in iOS was not passing the HTML in the paste events.
- The video removed event was fired twice.
- Enter key action was working in contenteditable="false" elements.
- Choosing a cell color was raising an error depending on the mouse position.
- Deleting a link using keyboard was still retaining the empty link tag.
- Error on hitting ESC key with a popup open.
- The selected element was not returned correctly in IE for the first paragraph.
- Insert link shortcut was not working.
- Clear formatting was removing links inconsistently.
- Removing colors from the text was not working sometimes.
- XSS issue when inserting specific links.
- Pasting in Safari was showing RAW HTML.
- Emoticons popup was not showing.
Version 2.9.2
Release Date: January 31, 2019
- Add 'aria' to htmlAllowedAttrs option.
- Expose showProgressBar in video plugin.
- Allow whitespace characters in embedded iframes.
- Update wordAllowedStyleProps to retain table borders.
- Add 'webp' to imageAllowedTypes option.
- Add inline alignment CSS property when the alinment is changed.
- Enhancements
- Keep format on drag&drop inside the editor.
- Enable multiple editors to use code view when using a shared toolbar.
- Use onload event instead of addEventListener to overcome loading problems in Ionic.
- Code view was not disabling the OL and UL toolbar buttons.
- Improve pasting lists from MS Word.
- Enable fullscreen option when using the editor inside Bootstrap modals.
- Reposition popups when they exceed the window on the right side.
- Improve plain paste in Chrome browser.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve PT_BR translation.
- Use times symbold instead of Font Awesome for the modal dismiss button.
- Use imageAllowedTypes option for the quick insert image button.
- Improve display of the inline styles in the toolbar dropdown.
- Hotfixes
- Shortcuts for quote were showing when shorcuts were disabled.
- New lines inside PRE tags were removed on paste.
- Applying inline style to links was creating an extra empty SPAN tag.
- Non breaking spaces were added when switching to code view for specific HTML.
- Font Awesome icons were duplicated on backspace.
- Pasting from Microsoft Excel was inserting an image instead of HTML.
- Pasting from Microsoft Word was adding empty anchor tags.
- Pasting large images (over 50Mb) was crashing the Chrome browser.
- Images were not draggable when selected.
- Toolbar was overlapping the editor body on iOS when height options were used.
- Disabling image uploads and manually setting imageInsertButtons to exclude imageUpload was causing an empty popup.
- Editor was scrolling to the top when using Enter/Delete on a long page on Android devices.
- Extra space was added in fullscreen on iOS.
- Inline toolbar was not accessible anymore after using the bold command in an empty editor.
- Removing horizontal line was causing an error on Windows 10.
- When using the iframe option, the size of the editor was not updated correctly after using Embedly plugin.
- Color popup was showing colors incorrectly sometimes.
- Default options where not working correctly for list styles.
- Changing list type in nested lists was creating a blank list item.
- Replacing video with an embedded iframe was causing an error.
Version 2.9.1
Release Date: November 15, 2018
- Enhancements
- Improve support for Font Awesome 5.
- Hotfixes
- Problems with rendering advanced list buttons.
Version 2.9.0
Release Date: November 01, 2018
- Add listAdvancedTypes option.
- Add videoResponsive option.
- Add TUI Advanced Image editor.
- Add Font Awesome insert icons plugin.
- Add Line Height plugin.
- Add Inline Classes plugin.
- Add Export as PDF.
- Add documentReady option.
- Display shortcuts for quotes.
- Enhancements
- Text selection using keys.
- Using SHIFT key in blockquotes.
- Adding new lines at the end of PRE tags.
- Add translation for Save button.
- Improve Danish translation.
- Hotfixes
- Videos were not draggable in IE.
- Dropdowns were making the page scroll in IE.
- When using the ENTER_BR option, the inline styles were not applied correctly.
- Image caption was not working correctly in IE.
- Setting HTML was removing spaces between images.
- Image resizer was placed incorrectly in IE sometimes.
- Pasting SVGs in Safari was throwing an error.
- The html.insert was not scrolling to the insertion point on iOS.
- Progress bar was hiding when resizing during image upload.
- Pasting on iOS was triggering unwanted scroll.
- Iframe was not changing size when resizing images.
- Do not add target="_blank" for emails.
- Row insert was positioned incorrectly after scroll.
- Drag between blocks was turning editor into a disabled mode sometimes.
- Pressing backspace inside iframes was causing the editor to scroll up.
- Toggling caption was adding unwanted HTML markup.
- Quick Insert plugin was working incorrectly when using nested block tags.
Version 2.8.5
Release Date: September 12, 2018
- Add wordPasteKeepFormatting option.
- Enhancements
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve Chinese translation.
- Improve Persian translation.
- Improve Portuguese translation.
- Do not load Font Awesome when iframe mode is enabled.
- Pasting from Word in Safari was taking a long time with specific documents.
- Use the fileAllowedTypes option as a restriction for the files to be chosen in the upload dialog.
- Improve the htmlUntouched option.
- Allow typing inside inputs on modals.
- Hotfixes
- Command events were not triggered for code view in inline mode.
- Init on link was not allowing proper editing of the content.
- Editor was scrolling up when hovering a dropdown in IE browser.
- Long links where causing horizontal scroll in Edge browser.
- Double click on image popup buttons where blocking the upload actions.
- Calling the image.setSize method without clicking the image first would result in an error.
- Clearing text format was joining paragraphs together.
- Pasting in IE was throwing a JS error when pasting from Wikipedia.
- Typing in Korean was not working correctly for image captions in IE.
- < and > characters were wrapped incorrectly when converting inline links.
- The undo.reset method was not resetting stack fully.
- Embed.ly plugin was not loaded correctly when multiple instances on the same page.
- Pasting with ENTER_BR or ENTER_DIV enabled was joining new lines for specific HTML.
- Fix possible XSS in data attribute.
- Image upload to S3 was broken when the imageUploadURL was not changed.
Version 2.8.4
Release Date: June 24, 2018
- Hotfixes
- Revert the previous way of building the code in order to fix Angular & React integration problems.
- Use jQuery AJAX instead of XHR requests.
Version 2.8.2
Release Date: June 20, 2018
- Images are uploaded to a local blob instead of i.froala.com by default.
- Update WebSpellChecker default path.
- Allow translation of CTRL.
- Add Greek translation.
- Add Kurdish translation.
- Add table.resized event.
- Use XHR requests instead of jQuery AJAX.
- Enhancements
- Make sticky toolbar to behave the same way across browsers.
- Insert Vimeo private videos.
- Improve Font Awesome 5 compatibility.
- Rename "Alternate Text" to "Alternative Text".
- Improve Korean translation.
- Show special characters plugin on mobile devices.
- Improve pasting from Google Sheets.
- Improve integration of Embedly to remove the branding when a correct key is used.
- Allow tableEditButtons to be empty.
- Hotfixes
- Image pasted from clipboard was not uploaded correctly.
- Image was not deselected when clicking outside of the editor under certain situations.
- Using http-equiv='refresh' was triggering a page refresh.
- An error was throwing when removing an image sometimes.
- The font size was not being displayed correctly when using PT instead of PX.
- Nested lists were not being removed correctly on backspace.
- Plain paste was not working with the iframe mode.
- Alignment was incorrect when pasting from certain Microsoft Word files.
- Table resize was not working correctly when first row was hidden or had cells merged.
- ALT + D was removing the current selected cell.
- Converting links while typing was making the cursor to jump incorrectly.
- Inserting link with protocol was not working correctly.
- Deleting inside a block element was removing it all together on last character delete.
Version 2.8.1
Release Date: April 26, 2018
- Hotfixes
- Editor not showing toolbars in IE.
- Selecting text with the SHIFT key was working incorrectly.
Version 2.8.0
Release Date: April 12, 2018
- Improve Font Awesome 5 support.
- Add fontSizeUnit option.
- Add quickInsert.commands.before event.
- Add quickInsert.commands.after event.
- Add tableDefaultWidth option.
- Add autofocus option.
- Enhancements
- Ignore comments when applying inline formatting.
- Always keep image mime type when pasting from the clipboard and available.
- Keep space intentation when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Keep link anchor tags when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Improve editing when htmlUntouched option is used.
- Improve creating new lines around images with caption in Firefox.
- Improve pasting tabs from Apple Notes.
- Trigger of the blur event in Code View mode.
- Dragging elements with contenteditable="false" attribute.
- Pasting from Microsoft Word with remote URLs.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve destroying shared instances.
- Clearing formatting with selection collapsed.
- Navigating inside tables when the editor lives in a list item element.
- Improves pasting images from Microsoft Word.
- Bug Fixing
- Unwanted data attribute was added in Firefox sometimes.
- Resize handlers where showing for PRE tags in IE.
- IE was scrolling to the top of the area when selecting an image.
- Editor selection was lost when using SELECT fields in popups.
- Error when switching to fullscreen in Code View without Code Mirror included.
- Error when using Embed.ly with iframe mode.
- Inline formatting was not applied correctly next to HR tags.
- Popup container was set incorrectly when using shared instances.
- Uploading image by URL was throwing an error in IE.
- Backspace was working incorrectly on iOS in RTL mode.
- Safari was pasting plain text all the time.
- Modal close buttons where not working correctly after destroying a shared instance.
- An error was thrown when applying inline formatting for specific HTML structures.
- Table cell selection or typing was causing scroll and cursor moving incorrectly.
- Backspace was removing multiple adjacent emoticons.
- HTML entities were being converted when pasting in Google Chrome.
- Drag and drop text inside the editor was placing it at the wrong position.
- Blur event was triggered when uploading an image using the Quick Insert tool.
- Destroying the editor was not possible in editInPopup mode.
- Deleting link tags was leaving empty tags around it.
- $.FroalaEditor.ICON_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE was not being used.
- Unfocus the editor before it is destroyed in order to prevent stealing page focus.
Version 2.7.6
Release Date: March 08, 2018
- Add support for Font Awesome 5 and iconsTemplate option.
- Add helpSets option.
- Add paragraphDefaultSelection option.
- Quick Insert plugin is available in ENTER_BR mode.
- Support for JAWS.
- Changing the toolbarButtons option will automatically change the options for smaller screens if no other specific option is used.
- Enhancements
- Do not add image classes when imageDefaultAlign and imageDefaultDisplay options are null.
- Space collapsing at the end of links.
- Possibility to define shortcuts for commands without buttons.
- Allow using BLOCKQUOTE inside paragraph tags.
- toolbarContainer option is now compatible with fullscreen mode.
- BR tag cleaning in Firefox.
- Collapsing spaces when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Pasting nested lists from Microsoft Word.
- Improves typing in IE when ENTER_BR option is used.
- iOS enter and backspace improvements.
- iOS pasting was not working all the times.
- Convert tabs on paste when the tabSpaces option is enabled.
- Pasting in the editor from Outlook.
- Show error message when dropping a file with unapproved extensions.
- Edit the most inner text of links instead of replacing the text at the top level.
- Accessibility support for IE.
- Improvements for the HTML untouched mode.
- Modal and popup backgrounds when using dark themes.
- Typing in the editor when there is a non-editable text element.
- Improvements for RU, UK, NL, SV and PL translations.
- Copying images with caption.
- Support for text inputs inside the editable area.
- Scrolling page to follow the cursor when it goes out of the screenview.
- Improvements for nested contenteditable="false" / contenteditable="true".
- Do not remove links when clearing formatting.
- Bug Fixing
- Fullscreen on iOS.
- Sync code view size when toggling fullscreen mode.
- Pasting empty tags was removing them when copying between editor instances.
- The STYLE tag was always removed.
- The blur event was triggered on image upload sometimes.
- Fixes the size of images with caption when the imageResizeWithPercent option is used.
- Pasting image in an empty editor wouldn't add the action to the undo stack.
- Embed.ly plugin was not working inside iframes.
- Applying text format next to an HR tag was not working correctly.
- Keep format when backspacing to the previous line.
- Emoticons were removed when using the useClasses option.
- Dragging an image in a link and then out of it was moving the link as well.
- Selecting different videos would bring the editor in an unresponsive mode.
- Dropdowns were misaligned in RTL mode sometimes.
- Toggling fullscreen was leaving an empty tag in the editor.
- Dropping image with caption inside the container of the image would throw an error.
- Deleting tabs were removing one extra character.
- Aligning the image caption would result in bad formatted HTML.
- When an image is inserted from the same domain, ignore the imageCORSProxy option.
- heightMin was set on the body output when the fullPage option was enabled.
- The video.removed event was not triggered when using backspace/delete to remove it.
- Dropping files in Firefox was not showing the cursor anymore sometimes.
- Popups were showing for elements inside contenteditable="false".
- Removing an image was not possible when the keepFormatOnDelete was enabled.
- contentChanged was triggered sometimes after destroying the editor instance.
- Table resize was not working correctly when there was some scroll on the page.
Version 2.7.5
Release Date: February 02, 2018
- Enhancements
- Improve IT translations.
- Bug Fixing
- Fixes error when the useClasses option is disabled.
Version 2.7.4
Release Date: January 31, 2018
- Add
option. - Add
event for links which are linked while typing. - Add
option. - Add
option. - Pass the HTML output to the save.before event as a param.
- Update JS translations.
- Update KO translations.
- Improve PT translations.
- Improve FR translations.
- Improve DA translations.
- Remove
from default allowed imageAllowedTypes to avoid XSS problems - Fixes XSS with SVG payload when inserting link.
- Add
to the default block tags. - Links are no longer removed when clearing the formatting.
- Fixes table helpers inside bootstrap modals.
- Allow multiple block tags inside a list item.
- Add CTRL + Y as redo shortcut for Windows.
- Enhancements
- Improve output when useClasses option is disabled.
- Improves for image alignment when captions are used.
- Hide completely the link popup when there is no content for it.
- Limit indent action to the maximum width of the editor.
- Improves the line breaker behavior when images have caption.
- Add support for Font Awesome 5 shim.
- Improves pasting cleanup.
- Improves autoconversion regular expression for links.
- Improves text selection highlight in Firefox.
- Allow enter in textareas inside popups.
- Improves link sanitizing performance.
- Do not autoprefix links starting with dot.
- Navigation inside tables when there are nested lists.
- Improves Word space conversion on paste.
- Improves pasting images from Word.
- Improves keeping the original non-breaking spaces.
- Improves the backspace action on iOS.
- Improves pasting when selection includes the margins of the block tags.
- Bug Fixing
- Inserting HTML with line break should not insert an extra paragraph.
- Paste in Firefox was sometimes throwing an error.
- Timestamps in links were converted to the multiplication sign.
- Elements with contenteditable=false were stripped out on copy / paste.
- Custom special character sets were not replacing the default set.
- Fixes pasteAllowedStyleProps incorrect default option.
- Mobile inline toolbar position was incorrect after cursor selection changed.
- Setting zIndex option when editInPopup is true was throwing an error.
- Calling the image align method was not working if the image align button was not present in the imageEditButtons.
- Image upload dialog shows an error when the imageCorsProxy request throws an error.
- Fixes the image resizing with percent when captions are used.
- Prevent cutting inside DOM elements with contenteditable="false".
- Typing in image caption was not possible after deleting all the text.
- Line Breaker plugin was raising an error in IE sometimes.
- Fixes imageRoundPercent option.
- Backspace action was not working for some complex HTML structures.
- Fixes placeholder position when using jQuery 3.
- Empty table rows were deleted when they were empty.
- Fixes shared line breaker.
- Focus event was not triggered when the editor was focused using JS.
- Fixes removing formatting from nested block tags.
- Fixes using the ALT key together with other letter keys.
- Fixes link position for an image.
Version 2.7.3
Release Date: December 11, 2017
- Enhancements
- Custom themes improvements.
- Improve image actions when using captions.
- Changing list type was removing the class attribute.
- Improve font family detection.
- Trim whitespaces at the start and end of links.
- Improve German translations.
- Bug Fixing
- Table cell attributes were lost when there was no content inside.
- Scrollbar was not working correctly for dropdowns inside popups.
- Deleting before an emoji was removing two characters in some cases.
- Caption interaction was limited in Mozilla Firefox.
- Line Breaker tool was triggering the blur event.
- The cut action was not removing the selected text.
- Display status was not updated correctly for images.
- Sticky toolbar was working incorrectly in Chrome in some cases.
Version 2.7.2
Release Date: November 23, 2017
- Add missing translations for video plugin.
- Update border radius for popup and modal buttons.
- Add HTTPS protocol to embedded videos.
- Allow double dash in URLs.
- Add URL translation for link popups.
- Enhancements
- Add noreferrer when opening a link.
- Do not add editor classes when the imageAlign and imageDisplay are not used.
- Keep image type when creating a temporary blob image.
- Improve htmlUntouched option.
- Prevent hiding the editor toolbar when changing the window.
- Prevent hiding the popups when using the window scrollbar.
- Pasting from one instance to another.
- Using underscores in inserted URLs.
- Improve PT translation.
- Node cleanup when pasting from Word in ENTER_P mode.
- Image pasting from Word.
- Improve list actions when keepFormatOnDelete option is enabled.
- Make sure dropdowns always remain on screenview.
- Clean image caption artifacts when getting the edited HTML.
- Editor was freezing when clicking randomly on table cells.
- Popup positioning when using the fullscreen mode.
- Improve inline toolbar positioning on iOS devices.
- Remove table cell content when using the DELETE key.
- Bug Fixing
- iOS link toolbar remains with the style button active after opening the link.
- Image size was not updated correctly when using the imageOutputSize option.
- Focus was set incorrectly in Firefox with an empty editor.
- Dragging artifacts where not cleaned correctly.
- Pasting from Word was joining tags in some cases.
- Char counter was counting invisible space characters.
- Lists backspace.
- Link popup was flashing when placing cursor at the beginning/ending of a link.
- Error when table is not formatted correctly.
- Inline toolbar disappear on hovering over submenu dropdown in IE 11 on Windows 7.
- Color picker was working incorrectly for tables.
- Placeholder was not updating correctly on backspace.
- imageOutputSize option was preventing resizing image vertically.
- Image uploading artifacts where not removed correctly for corrupted images.
- The useClasses option set to false was not preserving empty inline styles.
- An empty P tag was added to the editor in some cases.
- Changing the size for images with caption results in scroll to top.
- Toolbar offset was not updating when switching to fullscreen mode.
- When deleting selected lines, previous line also getting removed in some cases.
- Error was thrown when disabling the imageResize option.
Version 2.7.1
Release Date: October 25, 2017
- Add HEX input for table cell background color.
- Add
to htmlAllowedAttrs option. - Add fileUpload option.
- Add videoUpload option.
- Add imageCORSProxy option.
- Add imageUploadRemoteUrls option.
- Add embedlyScriptPath option.
- Enhancements
- Do not remove P tags from table cells.
- Integration with At.JS for iOS.
- Do not merge consecutive blockquotes.
- Open file link in new tab.
- Trim inserted URLs.
- Handling new line at the beginning of a block tag.
- Do not convert email addresses while typing when linkConvertEmailAddress option is disabled.
- Improve doctype detection when using the fullPage option.
- Improve pasting from one editor instance to another.
- Cursor position when switching back from Code View.
- Video preview in Firefox.
- URL detection for Vimeo videos.
- Email detection for URLs.
- Browser default spellchecker in Firefox.
- Include missing translations for new texts from UI.
- Improve Word detection for new lines.
- Allow having tableEditButtons empty.
- Improve link convertion on paste.
- Add '.fr-img-caption' to lineBreakerTags option.
- Improve line breaker checking.
- Bug Fixing
- Right click while doing image resize was freezing the editor.
- Table merge was not working for specific table layouts.
- The inline editor was positioned incorrectly horizontally inside scrollableContainer.
- Image style was applied incorrectly when using captions.
- zIndex higher than 9999 was working improperly.
- Quotes inside image inline style were converted to ".
- Selecting table cells and using right click at the same time was bringing the editor to an unresponsive state.
- Iframe possible XSS attack through the SRC attribute.
- pasteDeniedTags was ignoring iframe tag.
- Table actions via table quick insert tool were not added to undo stack.
- paste.beforeCleanup event was triggered twice.
- Image caption couldn't be edited on Safari browser.
- Changing image size was not working correctly together with captions.
- Drag and drop action was copying the text into the new location instead of moving it.
- The | character couldn't be used in links.
Version 2.7.0
Release Date: September 19, 2017
- Image captions.
- Embed.ly plugin for embedding rich content such as Twitter Cards or Facebook Posts.
- Custom color in HEX format for colors plugin.
- Method to create custom Quick Insert buttons.
- Add imageUpload option to ease disabling image upload.
- Add video option to Quick Insert toolbar.
- Enhancements
- File popup was not showing at the correct top position.
- Add option to include translation for special characters.
- Bug Fixing
- RegExp error on backspace in certain environments.
- Image was selected incorrectly when using SHIFT key near it.
Version 2.6.6
Release Date: September 13, 2017
- Enhancements
- zIndex option value can take any value.
- Support SHIFT + DELETE for cut action on Windows.
- Improve typing performance on very slow computers.
- Improve Word pasting for tables.
- Improve image paste from clipboard detection in Firefox.
- Keep formatting when starting new lines.
- Toolbar width value is no longer being rounded.
- Improve Korean translation.
- Sync iframe height after pasting content into it.
- Improve URL detection.
- Do not strip P elements from list items at initialization time.
- Bug Fixing
- Error when inserting image and the link plugin was not included.
- Resizing a video was not possible in IE inside an empty editor.
- Image error message was not showing on Windows for a corrupted image.
- Hitting TAB in a table cell was sometimes adding a new cell outside of the editor.
- The Inline toolbar was positioned out of the screen sometimes.
- Dropdowns were not working correctly on iOS.
- An error was thrown when dropping an image in Safari.
- Composed emoji were not deleted properly.
- Add a new line after HR at the end of the editor.
- Shared popups were not working correctly after destroying a shared instance.
- Word Paste detection when using iframe mode in Microsoft Edge browser.
Version 2.6.5
Release Date: August 17, 2017
- Enhancements
- Improve image detection for Word Pasting.
- Improve Word Paste list detection.
- Improve Word Paste detection in IE.
- Improve paste clean-up.
- Improve Excel pasting.
- Improve pasting from Google Docs.
- Scroll by touching the toolbar on mobile devices.
- Throw error when inserted image is corrupted.
- Detect when the editor is initialized inside an iframe.
- Pasting in Firefox from one instance to another.
- Use TAB inside a list within a table cell.
- Use the icon module for the remove table cell color icon.
- Add the possibility to pass CodeMirror object to the editor.
- Allow URLs which contain exclamation mark.
- Bug Fixing
- Pre tag was losing indentation when it had non-text child nodes.
- contentChanged event was not being triggered when choosing suggestion on iOS.
- Char Counter plugin was not detecting IME.
- Applying format inside nested lists was producing incorrect markup.
- Clean WebSpellChecker markup when getting the HTML.
- Local Storage was throwing errors in IE.
- The cursor was not showing after inserting an image from Image Manager.
- Pasted images did not trigger the image.beforeUpload event.
- Popups were hiding in IE incorrectly.
- Events were not being turned off correctly.
- HTML Entity Codes in links get converted without a semicolon.
- Spaces were removed when entering bolded text in Firefox.
- Images and videos were not being uploaded on iOS.
Version 2.6.4
Release Date: July 21, 2017
- Bug Fixing
- New line was added at the top of the editor when clicking inside it sometimes.
Version 2.6.3
Release Date: July 20, 2017
- Add trademark character to special characters plugin.
- Enable pasting images in Safari from the clipboard.
- URL detection while typing.
- Add initializationDelayed event.
- Add a new line after/before the last/first element when clicking at the bottom/top of it.
- Enhancements
- Replace $.parseJSON with JSON.parse.
- Word Paste when the clean option is chosen in Word confirmation modal.
- Pasting from Visual Studio code in an empty editor.
- Firefox cleanup when getting the edited HTML.
- Undo stack was not aware of htmlExecuteScripts option.
- Automatically scroll editor after calling html.insert.
- Translate drop-down selection details.
- Use PNG instead of JPEG for Aviary edited images.
- Send image name together with the form data on image upload.
- Typing in Korean in inline mode.
- Do not hide the link pop-up when hitting ALT key.
- Access table cell formatting when focussed on a link inside a table cell.
- Convert indentation to nested lists.
- Dropdown positioning when at the bottom of the page.
- Bug Fixing
- Word paste was not detected in IE.
- Initializing the editor on a link was not allowed to select anything outside of the editor.
- The print feature was keeping a cached version after destroying the editor instance.
- Having image on the last line was throwing an error in IE sometimes.
- Pasting in Safari when iframe option was enabled.
- Remove "noopener noreferrer" attribute when target attribute is not _blank.
- Video upload was not working on iOS.
- When not using Code Mirror, typing in Code View was scrolling up.
- Typo in inserted HTML for videos.
- Image upload controls were not showing on iOS 8.
- Cut/copy images in IE 11.
- Scrolling on the image inside when using mobile devices.
- The contentChanged event was not triggered when using keyboard suggestion on iOS.
- The selection was showing around the image on iOS.
- iOS formatting buttons (B I U) were not "canceling out" after backspacing.
- Android scrolling when adding a new line or deleting an empty one.
- Resizing image was setting unnecessary height prop.
- letter-spacing and font-size were out of order when applying an inline style.
- Insert link shortcut was showing popup in the wrong place when using inline mode.
Version 2.6.2
Release Date: June 23, 2017
- Add tabIndex option.
- Add aviaryOptions option.
- Enhancements
- Use a shared instance of Aviary between all editors.
- Sanitize SRC on all tags, not only IMG and A.
- Use translation for shortcuts and tooltips.
- Use default line-height for the editor UI.
- Auto-convert subdomains to links.
- Improve spaces conversion to non-breaking spaces.
- Do not follow links when editor editing is disabled.
- Improve enter on iOS devices.
- Improve Hungarian translation.
- Improve Word pasting.
- Improve Excel detection.
- Using WebSpellChecker with iframe mode.
- Bug Fixing
- Switching to fullscreen was setting overflow incorrectly for parent nodes.
- Aviary and WebSpellChecker scripts were loaded multiple times.
- quickInsertTags was not being used.
- Using WebSpellChecker was forcing the spellcheck attribute on the editor instance.
- Spaces were not allowed in local URL paths.
- Toggling Code View was encoding ampersands inside iframe incorrectly.
- htmlUntouched option was breaking enter behavior.
- selection.element was setting the selection outside of the current inline elements.
- scrollableContainer option was ignored when editing inside a popup.
- Dropdown screen collision was not working correctly.
- Not setting a tag for Image Manager files was throwing a JS error.
- Popup instance was not set correctly on popup refresh.
- List items were ignoring styles inconsistently.
- When using toolbarInline, the toolbarButtons option was ignored.
- Image placeholder was not removed when using dragInline option and dropping an image.
- Using a shared toolbar and calling edit.off was not working correctly.
- URL detection was allowing double dots.
- Fixes image upload popup positioning when dropping image in the editor.
- Sub/Sup was not working correctly in IE.
- Unwanted scroll when pasting in Safari.
- When using ENTER_BR option, an extra BR was added sometimes.
- List type was not kept on regular paste.
- image.inserted event was not being called on pasted images.
- Images that failed to upload when pasted from Word were not being removed.
- Line breaker plugin was not adding space correctly all the time.
Version 2.6.1
Release Date: May 25, 2017
- Move WebSpellChecker to third_party folder.
- Move Image Aviary to third_party folder.
- Add indentMargin option.
- Add wordPasteModal option.
- Enhancements
- Handle local network links.
- Popup collision horizontally.
- Detect and convert email addresses.
- Use global $ for languages.
- Change country code for Ukrainian from UA to UK.
- Add translation for "Uploading" and "Loading image".
- Bug Fixing
- URLs plugin RegExp was causing an infinite loop.
- XSS problem when pasting links in Firefox.
- Pasting list into empty nested list created another level of nesting.
- Font format was lost after selecting and deleting the whole line.
- Video was not resizing correctly in IE11.
- Pasting from Microsoft Word was always pasting in the first editor instance.
- Line breaker was adding new lines outside of the editor sometimes.
- Toggling tabs inside color popups were not working correctly.
- Special characters were always inserted in the first editor instance.
- Error was thrown when inserting image and imageDefaultAlign is set to null.
Version 2.6.0
Release Date: May 04, 2017
- Add Word and Excel Paste confirmation modal.
- Add WebSpellChecker.net integration for advanced spell checking.
- Add Aviary integration for advanced image editing.
- Add htmlExecuteScripts option.
- Add videoAllowedProviders option.
- Enhancements
- Word paste clean-up and format keeping.
- Do not allow to have subscript and superscript at the same time.
- Improve font family detection in Safari.
- Improve URL auto conversion.
- Tabbing inside table cells.
- Replace nodeValue with value.
- Change overflow CSS property of parent nodes when entering full-screen mode.
- Clean content when it is dropped inside the editor.
- Bug Fixing
- Adding a video was freezing inline editor sometimes.
- Video resize was not working inside iframe.
- Status of toolbar buttons were not updating on mobile devices.
- Popups were closing incorrectly with jQuery 2.2.4.
- Aligning image triggers scroll inside the editor.
- Selecting multiple cells triggers scroll inside the editor.
- Extra blockquote was created on enter in Firefox.
- Pressing delete with multiple cells selected was failing.
- Drop image with another image selected was replacing the existing one instead of adding the new image in the editor.
- Image size was set incorrect when imageOutputSize was used.
- Deleting emoticons was leaving dirty UTF-8 characters.
- Dropdowns were not closing correctly in IE.
- Modal size was incorrect when iframe option was used.
- Images could not be edited inside fullscreen mode when they were placed at the bottom of the page.
- Switching to code view was breaking STYLE and SCRIPT tags.
- Dropdowns inside table modal were closing inconsistent.
- Pasting in Microsoft Edge was throwing an error.
- Code View was freezing in Microsoft Edge.
- Selection status was incorrect in Firefox sometimes.
- paste.afterCleanup event was triggered multiple times in Safari.
- Quotes were being removed inside style attribute.
- Font tag was appearing when using CMD + Backspace on MacOS in Chrome.
- Text alignment was removed on paste when enter option was set to $.FroalaEditor.ENTER_BR.
- Format was lost when navigating between lines although the keepFormatOnDelete option was enabled.
- Font size was not kept on enter at the beginning of list items.
- Undo was not triggering image.loaded event.
- Popups were not aligned correctly at the very right margin of the screen.
- Destroying the editor in code view and initializing it back was failing.
- Pasting multiple images from Microsoft Word was throwing an error.
- Resizing table without doing another change in the editor was not storing the change in the undo stack.
- Undo stack was not storing the text dropped in the editor.
- Printing in RTL was not keeping the alignment of the editable area.
Version 2.5.1
Release Date: March 14, 2017
- pasteAllowedStyleProps is now empty by default.
- Add wordDeniedTags option.
- Add wordDeniedAttrs option.
- Add wordAllowedStyleProps option.
- Enhancements
- Upload all images on Word pasting.
- Select a default tab inside video popup.
- Word pasting.
- Improve URLs automatic conversion.
- Improve ARIA attributes for dropdowns.
- CommonJS environment improvements.
- Bug Fixing
- Modal misalignment when using the iframe option.
- Setting font site on mobile devices.
- Toolbar misalignment inside Bootstrap components.
- contentChanged event was triggered rarely on mobile devices.
- file.unlink event was fired twice.
- Images were inserted in HR tags sometimes.
- Images were inserted in emoticons sometimes.
- Applying text formats might throw an error.
- Conflicts with global namespace for some variables.
- Modals were changing the alignment of the BODY tag.
- Misaligned buttons when using text dropdowns.
- Align was not always working in RTL.
- Image/video resize using keys inside iframes.
- Using " inside data attribute might break the HTML.
Version 2.5.0
Release Date: February 24, 2017
- Enhanced Word and Excel Paste plugin.
- Add SK translation.
- Include Vidyard as a video provider.
- Add htmlAllowedStyleProps option.
- Add pasteAllowedStyleProps option.
- Enhancements
- selection.element method was not accurate after format.applyStyle.
- Reuse existing elements for inline style instead of creating new ones.
- Update bower.json to use all plugins.
- Add warning to prevent initialization inside label elements.
- Improve RU translation.
- Prevent image growth when the editor size is reached.
- Placeholder hiding was delayed when there were more than one empty block tags.
- Extra spaces were added on paste.
- Improve applying inline style such as text and background color.
- Bug Fixing
- Link color was not changed when link was fully selected.
- Editor was scrolling when in iframe and text was deleted.
- Internal CSS rule ':focus' was declared as global.
- Paragraph format was lost on list removal.
- Emoticons were inserted one in each other sometimes.
- Remove default block tags on paste.
- useClasses was not outputting the right HTML with specific CSS properties.
- Remove text-align for fr-view class.
- PRE tag was not keeping the indentation.
- Incorrect list status after removing bold from list items.
- Additional unnecessary space before/after images.
- Text was blinking when typing in IE inside iframe.
- Inserting multiple HR in empty editor would result in nesting them.
- Image round class wasn't doing nothing.
- Undo stack was not keeping selection in certain situations.
- Videos from Vimeo weren't detected correctly.
- BMP files were not handled correctly.
- Image controls got stuck when the editor was initialized on iframe contents.
- Code inside NOSCRIPT tag was being escaped.
- Pasting in Safari was not possible inside empty editor.
- Pasting in empty nested list item was not possible.
- Destroying editor in fullscreen mode was not removing the z-index CSS props.
- htmlUntouched was still doing changes on certain cases.
Version 2.4.1
Release Date: January 25, 2017
- Print plugin
- Video upload
- Special characters plugin
- Add htmlUntouched option
- Disabling useClasses doesn't use style anymore for images.
- Enhancements
- Do not remove all link attributes on link update.
- Do not allow pasting images from Google domain because they require authentication.
- Fixes laggy typing inside large text when editor is initialized on textarea.
- Typing was slow on Android with toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection option.
- Improve line breaker show and hide logic.
- Selecting image and hitting ENTER adds a new line above the image.
- Placeholder was overlapping the textarea content inside popups.
- Improve NL Translation.
- Drag highlighted text around the editable area.
- Reset align attribute for block tags when it is the same with it's parents.
- Bug fixing
- Editor wasn't firing blur event when popup visible (only when using iframe).
- Scoped queries were not used correctly.
- Invalid width was resetting the image size.
- Page was scrolling when image selected and ENTER was hit.
- Unwrapping was adding a new line incorrectly when ENTER_BR option was used.
- Calling position.refresh might throw an error.
- Prevent scroll on focus in IE.
- Inline toolbar was hidden on popup show when it was shared between multiple editors.
- Collapse spaces after BR tag.
- Inline toolbar was scrolling on Android.
- Resized table was not responsive on resize from left to right.
- Spaces from PDFs were removed sometimes on paste.
- Fixes new line being added before image in Edge when not necessary.
- New lines were inconsistent in Edge.
- Typing in Japanese Kanji was not working in Edge.
- Image load popups were not placed correctly when images were inserted via Image Manager.
- Image resize popups were stopping to work sometimes.
- Code view plugin was throwing an error in Edge and Firefox sometimes.
- Cursor was not showing up after paste in Edge.
- Line breaks were collapsing when format got applied in ENTER_BR mode.
- Backspace was possible inside contenteditable="false".
- Cursor was always positioned at the end of the cell in a table.
- Remove jQuery global.
- Spaces between inline images were being stripped out.
Version 2.4.0
Release Date: December 09, 2016
- 508 Accessibile
- WCAG 2.0 Accessibile
- Enhancements
- Delete entire block when it has class="fr-deletable" and contenteditable="false".
- Selecting multiple cells in iframe was losing focus.
- Bug fixing
- Autocorrect and spellcheck was not working on iOS.
- Back button not working properly in image edit link popup.
- Caret position was not saved on cut.
- Formatting was not being applied to all list items.
- Placing cursor before image was throwing an error in console.
- Enter in empty table cell was adding too many lines.
- Empty table was created on enter at the beginning of another table in Firefox.
- Changing video size was throwing an error.
- Images were not inserted correctly in IE.
- Accessibility when editor is initialized on image.
Version 2.4.0-rc.1
Release Date: November 28, 2016
- Accesibility - use the editor only with keyboard.
- Help plugin - show shortcuts that can be used inside the editor.
- Restructure examples inside the downloaded archive.
- On key press, use filters only around the current selection.
- Add default icon template as info to button.
- Change default font size to 14px instead of 15px.
- Add link.beforeInsert event.
- Align placeholder with the first paragraph inside the editable area.
- Add showOnMobile option when registering a command.
- Enhancements
- clearingFormat command was not removing all the formatting.
- List item pasting.
- Typing performance on very large amounts of texts.
- Tab key behavior in lists and table.
- Carry formatting between line breaks with keepFormatOnDelete option.
- Improve Hungarian translation.
- Adapt shadows to work in IE.
- Bug fixing
- Using the option fileUseSelectedText wasn't taking the filename when nothing is selected.
- Editor was not initializing on empty div with the option initOnClick.
- Popups were not visible in fullscreen.
- Shortcuts were not executed when key was released before CTRL.
- Ceaning the BR tags inside blocks on normalize.
- SVG error on focus in IE.
- Pasting from TextEdit was adding a double line break.
- Resizing a single column was making the table to move offscreen.
- Popup separator in direction RTL.
- Arrow key navigation inside table cells.
- Quick insert positioning in inline mode.
- Images were pasted twice from clipboard in Firefox 50.
- Editor was showing on links outside of the editable area in some cases.
- Dropping an image outside of the editable area was not clearing the dragging state.
- Pasting when all text is selected with keepFormatOnDelete option enabled was removing the text formatting.
- Toolbar was destroyed incorrectly when toolbarContainer option was used.
- Clicking an image after opening a popup would trigger editor blur event.
- Initializing the editor on a textarea was adding the placeholder inside the editable area.
Version 2.3.5
Release Date: October 19, 2016
- Add uploadURL property for imageUploadToS3 and fileUploadToS3 options.
- Add htmlIgnoreCSSProperties option.
- Add tooltips option.
- Align CSS property will be reset to null when it matches the parent property.
- Add codeViewKeepActiveButtons option.
- Add Vietnamese translation.
- Add requestWithCredentials option.
- Enhancements
- Changing colour of underlined text was not changing the colour of underline.
- linkAlwaysBlank and linkAlwaysNoFollow behavior was not added for links converted from text.
- Remove 'use strict' from minified JS.
- Improve format.applyStyle method.
- Button size for text buttons.
- file.unlink is triggered after removing a link to a file.
- Toggle fullscreen from code view.
- Selection is no longer lost on mobile devices when scrolling by tapping on the image.
- Improve link selection for links with SVGs inside.
- Resize table starting with the left side.
- Do not show popups when there is no button inside.
- Quick insert was not following scroll.
- Move in tables from a cell to another using arrows.
- Add the possibility to use SVG as an icon template.
- Ignore image sizing if it wasn't resized.
- Replace ' with ' in entities option.
- Improve imageOutputWidth option.
- Improve spacing conversion on Word pasting.
- Load only thumbs in Image Manager.
- Add meta to htmlAllowedTags option.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Prevent editor backspace on empty editor.
- Tooltip was flickering in certain HTML structures.
- Allow brackets in URLs.
- Empty spans where added when setting colors for certain HTML structures.
- Navigate with keyboards next to HR tags.
- Improve ENTER on iOS devices.
- Increase default zIndex for toolbarInline.
- Improve typing performance for large amounts of text.
- Bug fixing
- Pasted content was using the wrong tag in ENTER_DIV and ENTER_BR modes.
- image.beforeUpload and files.beforeUpload event was triggered twice in IE 11.
- contentChanged event was not fired with Chinese characters.
- Image editing was not working inside contenteditable specific structure.
- keepFormatOnDelete was not keeping the format correctly all the time.
- Enter in bullet with format selected was not working correctly.
- initOnClick was not triggered when using TAB to focus the editor in IE.
- image.replaced event was not triggered when using Image Manager.
- Using jQuery 2.2.4 or higher was triggering contentChanged too often.
- Character counter was not working with mobile suggestions.
- Cursor was not showing anymore until blur on Firefox after browsing for an image.
- Quick insert options were not following cursor on enter in empty editor.
- Last saved HTML was not always stored correctly.
- \& was not converted correctly.
- Inline toolbar was not showing after typint in Chinese.
- Do not add BR tag on unwrap if prev node is block.
- Hide line breaker when a command is ran.
- Highlighting and deleting content with empty lines was wiping everything in the editor.
- Undo shortcut was not working correctly with table cell selected.
- Error on windows resize after destroy.
- html.get was not returning entities encoded correctly when markers were used.
- List items were getting reordered in some cases.
- BR were added in empty TR and BODY elements.
- Empty paragraphs were added when switching to code view and back.
- Inserting emoticons in empty editor was not working correctly.
- Edit on link was removing unwanted attributes.
- Iframe not syncing correctly when using iframeStyleFiles.
- Themes were not keeping all the colors.
- P tags were removed when pasting in Firefox.
- iframeStyleFiles was removing all the assets from the HEAD of the iframe.
- HTML comments were removed from HEAD tag all the time.
- Shared image objects were not working correctly.
- Enter was not adding a bullet in certain HTML structure.
- Destroy method was not clearing all the events.
- Undo stack was broken after image error.
- Image resize controlls were not showing correctly inside scrollable page.
- Moving with cursor to the next cell using TAB was indenting lists from the cell that got focus.
- Toolbar bottom and sticky combination was not working correctly in Chrome.
Version 2.3.4
Release Date: July 20, 2016
- Enhancements
- Do not remove empty lines when pasting from Google Docs.
- Whitespace was added after BR when pasting from Word.
- Use responseText for the response parameter of save.error event.
- Do not escape blob URLs.
- Do not set placeholder height anymore.
- Change the file upload default URL to HTTPS.
- Make sure inline style has higher priority when exporting to inline CSS.
- Do not override CTRL + Key on MacOS.
- Do not dismiss popup when internal selection ends outside of it.
- Add body offset correction for tooltip and popups when position is not static.
- Do not stop event bubbling when hiding toolbar.
- Improve PT translation.
- Improve Word pasting detection.
- Do not trim whitespaces around void elements.
- Hitting enter after table was using BR instead of the default paragraph tag.
- Bug fixing
- Table resize when using RTL.
- Blockquote when using RTL.
- Incorrect image editing menu position when container has position absolute.
- Styles from iframeStyleFiles option were not included in the output.
- fileUseSelectedText option was ignored.
- Inline styles with nested spans were losing formatting.
- Image error when trying to copy/cut something from editor.
- fr-view class was not added to the body with fullPage option enabled.
- contentChanged event was not triggered sometimes when using undo/redo.
- Converting style to inline style was throwing an error for pseudo elements.
- Code view was not respecting heightMin/heightMax without Code Mirror.
- Image align icons were missing when the align plugin was not included.
- heightMin was not working correctly with fullPage option enabled.
- Incorrect cursor placement when deleting multiple lines in ENTER_BR mode.
- Blur event was not triggered correctly with fullPage option enabled.
- selection.element method was working incorrectly in Firefox when selecting text with double click.
- Hitting delete after HR was redirecting to the previous page in Chrome.
- Inserting tabs was not recorded as a change in the undo stack.
Version 2.3.3
Release Date: June 20, 2016
- Add tableResizer option to disable table resize.
- Enhancements
- Remove table selection on right click outside the editor.
- Improve Hungarian language.
- Cut/copy images inside the editor.
- Select in table while holding shift key.
- tableInsertHelper option was unused.
- Bug fixing
- Do not edit table if the editor is disabled.
- Incorrect image editing menu position when scrollableContainer has absolute positioning.
- Some rules where not applied in theme files.
- Current selected link was returned incorrectly when editor was inside an A tag.
- Fullscreen was keeping the heightMax option.
- Placeholder was not wrapping.
- Table refresh error on header.
- Default width should be set in percent when imageResizeWithPercent is enabled.
- Entire table cell content was deleted on backspace.
Version 2.3.2
Release Date: June 8, 2016
- Enhancements
- Refresh placeholder after initialization.
- Bug fixing
- Missplaced code view button after switching to HTML view.
- Init on popup was throwing an error.
- Clearing format was not working correctly when selection started at the beginning of a node.
- Using shortcuts to format text was resulting in unresponsive editor.
- Applying font size was adding an extra span when SPAN tag was in htmlAllowedTags option.
Version 2.3.1
Release Date: June 3, 2016
- Use HTTPS on i.froala.com.
- Enhancements
- Convert text inside lists into list items.
- Allow to select only images from imageAllowedTypes option.
- Prevent typing inside HR.
- Placeholder should clip at editor width.
- Allow new lines in placeholder.
- Placeholder takes into consideration padding and left margin.
- Clear selected table cells content on backspace.
- Never remove selection markers in clean.
- Bug fixing
- Error when copy/cut in iframe.
- Browser crashes when pasting certain HTML using DIV for enter.
- Refresh typo in image and file plugins.
- Image shortcut letter in tooltips.
- Emoticons markup when not using images.
- Paragraph refresh error.
- Code View Text Area doesn't take up entire height.
- Initializing in Firefox when element is hidden.
- Scrolling in dropdowns in IE with toolbarInline option enabled.
- New lines were stripped in SCRIPT and STYLE tags.
- Link prefix was added to file:// links.
- imageEditButtons were not working when a single button was used.
- Text jumping around when applying a style format.
Version 2.3.0
Release Date: May 20, 2016
- Get rid of document.execCommand for applying format.
- Remove commands.applyProperty method.
- Add format.apply method.
- Add format.is method.
- Add format.remove method.
- Add format.toggle method.
- Add format.applyStyle method.
- Add format.removeStyle method.
- Allow []{} inside the URLs.
- Add codeBeautifierOptions option.
- Show shortcuts in tooltips. Add shortcutsHint option.
- Adding fr-deletable class to an element would delete the entire element.
- Add imagePasteProcess option.
- Allow setting imageDefaultAlign to null.
- Allow setting imageDefaultDisplay to null.
- Add iframeStyleFiles option.
- Enhancements
- Youtube URL detection.
- Improve space collapsing.
- Russian translation improvement.
- Improve image accessibility: select using SHIFT and arrows.
- Make sure the current document has focus on iOS when calling focus.
- Handle uppercase URLs.
- Allow to destroy editor while uploading files/images.
- Use icon module for colors remove, fullscreen collapse and media manager buttons.
- Improve pasting empty new lines detection.
- Allow to insert new lines before and after videos using line breaker.
- Clicking next/before image whould add a new line below/above it if there is no text.
- Scrolling the editor content on touch devices with initOnClick option were enabling the editor.
- Caret was going under toolbar when position:fixed and toolbarStickyOffset is non-zero and navigating with arrows.
- Accept unicode domains as URLs.
- Remove memory leaks on destroy.
- Pass image data on deleting image via image manager.
- Inserting HR in empty editor was not adding new line after it.
- Use label instead of span for input description.
- Use heightMin and heightMax for codeView as well.
- Gray theme was positioning popup arrow incorrectly when fr-above was active.
- iOS dropdowns were not scrollable.
- Delete empty lines on BACKSPACE/DELETE after/before tables.
- Remove empty class and style attributes from images.
- Clear mouse moving timeouts on destroy.
- Add aria-label to buttons.
- Bug fixing
- Sticky toolbar on Chrome Canary.
- html.get with markers and style was removing the text incorrectly.
- Click next to image in empty cell.
- Drag-and-drop images in IE were always added at the top.
- Toolbar remained disabled when selecting cells between tables.
- Deleting table leaves toolbar disabled.
- Inserting image from image manager in wrong editor instance.
- videoEditButtons option was not building the popup correctly.
- Relative url's shouldn't get a url prefix.
- Dragging image away from table cell removes that cell.
- Deleting a selection of a list deletes the whole UL element if last list item is empty.
- Dragging image with link was not keeping the link.
- Redo was disabled incorrectly when non-char key was pressed.
- Fixes dropping redo on losing focus.
- Hitting enter at the end of paragraph wasn't creating a new line with ENTER_BR.
- Cursor was hidden in popup's input in Firefox in certain configurations.
- Entered text was always going to first list item in ENTER_BR on Chrome.
- Hitting char key when text is selected won't insert character.
- Spellcheck inside a table cell was freezing editor toolbar.
- Prevent deleting inside contenteditable=false using DELETE key.
- Bad cursor position when inserting emoticon in Safari.
- Image/file upload errors where not showing sometimes.
- Popup in IE10 were added below added video.
- Line was holding bold text when iframe and ENTER_BR options are enabled although it is disabled.
- Alignment popup for image was cut when images were at the bottom of the editor.
- Tooltips where creating a horizontal scrollbar in RTL direction.
- Entities which were directly in the editable element were not encoded.
- Blur event was triggered when hitting the scroll inside dropdown.
- Table freeze when clicking on another cell while holding CMD.
- linkConvertEmailAddress was not accepting all domains.
- Offset error when initializing editor on image.
- Buttons were not refreshing correctly inside shared popups.
- Deleting all text when iFrame breaks outer HTML structure.
- Colors popup position inside inline mode.
Version 2.2.4
Release Date: April 22, 2016
- Adds the possibility to use em in fontSize.apply method.
- Cancel image/file upload using ESC key.
- Enhancements
- Youtube URL detection.
- Line breaks and non-whitespace conversion.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Typing before/after image when there is no other content.
- Improve Chinese simplified translation.
- Improve German translation.
- Use default image options for URL pasted images.
- Changing font-size on an empty span with different font-size.
- Validate embedded video code.
- Cursor position after deleting image.
- Avoiding reserved default word.
- Wrong aspect ratio after resizing image with height property set.
- Reposition toolbars based on scrollableContainer instead of document height.
- Other elements than metadata is moved out of header when using fullPage option.
- Bug fixing
- Image edit popup was not displayed in IE 11 sometimes.
- Insert SVG images.
- Iframe injected style was duplicated.
- Passing null to html.set method was throwing an error.
- Floated images were cut off in Webkit and Firefox.
- Image float was not preserved in IE with useClasses option disabled.
- Open link when editor is initialized on link.
- Formatting lists inside elements with class fr-inner.
- Pasting long continuous text was showing the text at the top of the page before inserting in the editor.
- Having the editor inside a hidden element was throwing an error in IE.
- File was inserted in wrong editor in certain scenario.
- Wrong prefix was set for absolute URLs.
- Formatting text with different font styles was removing part of it sometimes.
- zIndex was removed from inline toolbar when hiding popup.
- Backspace inside empty link was not removing it.
- Image list was not refreshed after html.insert method.
- Embedded tables get formatted incorrectly when swapping from html to editor.
- Adding 2 videos in empty editor instance was not possible.
- Fixes translations for "Table header" and "Remove table".
- Selecting a line with double click and formatting it was also formatting the next line.
Version 2.2.3
Release Date: April 4, 2016
- Change imageOutputWidth option to imageOutputSize.
- Enhancements
- Disable link edit when using edit.off and editor was initialized on a link.
- Remove image unnecessary style.
- Bug fixing
- Placeholder was not aligned correctly.
- Cursor error when using space on blank lines in ENTER_BR.
- Cursor position when starting a list.
- Additional BR tags were added in certain scenarios.
- Additional non-breaking spaces were added in certain scenarios.
- Back/forward word delete on MacOS.
- Link edit when iframe option is on.
- Incorrect cursor position at the end of line in iframe when ENTER_BR is on.
- Deleting end of line when using iframe and ENTER_BR option.
Version 2.2.2
Release Date: March 25, 2016
- Show the inline toolbar on mobile devices.
- Add imageRoundPercent option.
- Add imageMinWidth option.
- Add imageOutputWidth option.
- Add packaged files in the archive which includes all the plugins.
- Add hasOwnProperty check for loops through Object keys.
- Enhancements
- Remove overflow-x when inline.
- Update image margins and alignment.
- Do not add image classes when imageDisplay and imageAlign buttons are not used.
- Do not wrap text inside fr-inner class.
- Improve apply methods for image, paragraph and link styles.
- Improve emoticon alignment. instead of forcing Font Awesome.
- Improve empty node check.
- Force encoding of non-ASCII chars as \uXXXX when building the minified code.
- Update code view when calling html.set.
- Typing in table cell in IE.
- keepFormatOnDelete was not consistent.
- Improve Persian translation.
- Do not encode text inside STYLE and SCRIPT tags.
- Allow images to match the current page protocol.
- Detection of the selection end element.
- Do not break quick insert line on whitespace.
- Improve image max-width based on its floating.
- Improve text icon appearance.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Do not allow to make image smaller than imageMinWidth option.
- Remove image cursor CSS rule from froala_style.css file.
- Improve Korean and Japanese typing after image.
- Improve table insert helper positioning when fullPage is true.
- Improve email detection RegEx.
- Bug fixing
- Cannot add text next to image when it is wrapped inside a link.
- Disable right click was not working.
- Dropdowns were not showing on iOS.
- Setting the HTML was forcing the editor to become editable.
- execCommand was not working correctly at the beginning of paragraph in Mozilla.
- zIndex was altered incorrectly in inline mode.
- Images could not be dropped in IE.
- Comments were altered inside SCRIPT tag.
- Spaces inside PRE tag were merged.
- Doing backspace before STYLE tag was merging the content into it.
- Scrollable container was not used for positioning the image resizer.
- Bold button state was incorrect when using keyboard to place cursor.
- Remove markers from editor when popups are opened and the blur event is triggered.
- Undo was not working in inline mode.
- Image manager tags were not shown.
- Keep image uploading message while resizing window.
- Get the edited HTML when no marker is present.
- Placeholder position in inline mode.
- charCounter.update event was not triggered correctly.
- Toolbar buttons were larger than they should be in Firefox.
- Applying bold in Mozilla on light text.
- Changing styles should reposition visible popups.
- Fixes new line was removed at end of some tags.
- Hitting back in image popups were hiding the popup on iOS.
- HR was not splitting the HTML correctly.
- Inserting image using quick insert tool was losing position on iOS.
- Quick insert was not hidden on mobile devices.
- Fixes iOS error when image manager first opens.
- Fixes link popup position on orientation change.
- Hide table edit popup when table resize starts.
- Fixes table select when height is set.
- Add image to lineBreakerTags.
- Image could not be deleted with DELETE key.
- Placeholder was position incorrectly sometimes.
- Image actions were added incorrectly in the undo stack.
- Fixes space collapse on paste.
- Initialize editor on focus when initOnClick is true.
- Fixes "Replace" word translation inside image popup.
- Fixes lists indent on the first list item.
- Space after table was converted to non-breaking space.
- Duplicate style attributes were added when disabling useClasses option.
- html.get(true) was removing empty block tags with BR inside.
- Spaces were normalized inside contenteditable="false".
- Images could be edited inside contenteditable="false".
- Right Click in table deselected cell, but was keeping popup opened.
- Table insert helper was showing for nearby tables.
- Fixes table insert helper when height is set for iframe.
- Image could not be pasted in Mozilla with pastePlain enabled.
- Initialize the editor on click by touching the image on mobile.
Version 2.2.1
Release Date: March 02, 2016
- Bug fixing
- Problem with restoring selection in IE and Edge browsers.
- Emoticons size inside popup in IE browser.
Version 2.2.0
Release Date: February 29, 2016
- Draggable plugin.
- Enable video move.
- Improve initialization time.
- Improve minified file size by using $.FE instead of $.FroalaEditor.
- Share toolbar, popups and other common elements between instances with the same options.
- Automatically turn off all events on destroy.
- Add shared events.
- Change saveInterval option to 10000.
- Reset content on form reset event.
- toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection is false by default.
- Add toolbarContainer option.
- Add htmlDoNotWrapTags option.
- Add imageSplitHTML option.
- Add videoSplitHTML option.
- Add quickInsertTags option.
- Remove quickInsertOffset option.
- Add videoMove option.
- Enhancements
- Quick insert positioning.
- Improve handling new lines and spaces.
- Default text alignment.
- Default text color when using inline editing.
- Set wrapper overflow only when height is set.
- Improve form editing.
- Improve converting external CSS rules to inline style.
- Add tooltips for quick insert plugin and table insert helper.
- Improve checking for empty nodes.
- Improve font family detection.
- Resizing table inside iframe was not smooth.
- Force contentChanged on blur.
- Use classes to display line breaker instead of style.
- Table insert helper flicker because of tooltip.
- Improve inline toolbar positioning.
- Improve pasting from TextMate.
- Dropdowns never go under other instances when zIndex option is not used.
- Hide active dropdowns when showing a popup.
- Bug fixing
- Any HTML could be dropped in Webkit browsers.
- Fixes image default width when set to 0.
- Fixes right click was adding empty lines in IE.
- Fixes code beautifier exceptions.
- Style tag was wrapped inside a paragraph.
- Quick insert was overlapping popups.
- Misplaced BR tag after image in some cases.
- Resize image was not working when using init on click and image was clicked first.
- Tooltip position when using the iframe option.
- Fullscreen was not working when using the iframe option.
- Fixes Japanese typing on iOS.
- Unwanted BR tags were added after comments.
- Quote shortcuts were not working.
- Editing was not possible when using contenteditable="true" inside contenteditable="false".
- Code view size was incorrect on Windows.
- Using SHIFT key to select table cells when using the iframe option.
- Blur was not triggered when losing focus from the image ALT popup.
- Catch possible errors when disabling object resizing.
- Unwanted BR between STYLE tag and TABLE tag.
- Initializing editor on image would throw an error when doing replace.
- Copying from one instance to another was losing style.
Version 2.1.0
Release Date: January 30, 2016
- Add pluginsEnabled option.
- Add plugin property to commands.
- Add emoticonsUseImage option.
- Allow notes:// for links.
- Add quick insert plugin.
- Preview image while uploading.
- Add table insert helper.
- Redesign line breaker icon.
- emoticonsSet code property needs only the Unicode code (1f600 instead of 😀).
- Enhancements
- Improve toolbar inline position when selection is collapsed.
- Toolbar inline should be disabled when initializing on A, IMG or BUTTON.
- Enter mode is no longer changed when initializing on other tags than DIV.
- Allow to edit input placeholder in the popup when initializing on an input element.
- Allow font awesome empty elements.
- Improve iOS inline editing.
- Improve sticky toolbar on iOS.
- Use default image options for clipboard pasted images.
- Improve useClasses option.
- Improve clear formatting on IE11 and Edge.
- Improve adding non-breaking spaces.
- Keep style for default tag on enter.
- Handle Google Docs pasting.
- Do not add BR in elements which already have one.
- Improve definition lists handling.
- Improve lists Word paste.
- Improve table editing.
- Improve image resize.
- Prevent table resize when other popups are visible.
- Improve hitting ESC twice when image alt popup is visible.
- Improve typing speed when there are many block tags in the editor.
- Include headers in media manager requests.
- If the editor is initialized on a link, it should be displayed inline.
- Bug fixing
- Fixes back in image and video popups when toolbarInline is enabled.
- Initializing the editor on a button[type=submit] should not submit the parent form.
- Fixes backspace when editing a link that the editor was initialized on.
- Fixes image resizer zIndex.
- Fixes image resize when init is done on image.
- Do deep extend on init for options.
- IE11 Korean Typing Problem.
- Do not alter empty contenteditable tags that are blocks.
- Clicking a Bootstrap button was not showing the link edit popup.
- Link was inserted twice sometimes.
- In some browsers the editor was scrolling to the top after adding a link.
- Dropping files in editor on Windows was not working.
- When using iframe a double scrollbar was showing on Windows.
- Init on image stopped working after first image modification.
- Copying the entire text was also copying the editable container.
- Image was placed wrong on drop in IE11.
- Fixes right click on IE11.
- Custom theme tooltip settings were not working.
- Tag IDs were copied when splitting text.
- Image src was removed when data-.* was removed form the htmlAllowedAttrs option.
- Fixes line breaker display and position.
- typingTimer option was never used.
- New lines were removed from PRE tag.
- Fixes imageManager icon name.
- Fixes hitting ESC when a single cell was selected.
- Nested list was wrapped in block tag when formatting parent item.
- bold/italic/underline buttons do not work properly in Chrome on Windows.
- Image was disapearing on drag in IE11 sometimes.
- Fixes keyboard hide when ENTER on iOS Chrome and UIWebView.
Version 2.0.5
Release Date: December 14, 2015
- Add charCounter.count method.
- Enhancements
- Cursor was jumping to top when pasting in IE.
- Cursor was disappearing in IE sometime.
- Read screen height when no doctype is specified.
- Undo and Redo buttons are grey by default.
- Toggle button visiblity and order based on screen size.
- Bug fixing
- Cleaning was not made at deeper levels.
- Pasting in IE10.
- Error after editing table header.
- BR was added before table when not necessary.
- File was always inserted at the top in IE.
- Open link button was not working.
- Incorrect empty new lines were added when aligning in ENTER_BR mode.
- Indent was not working correctly when direction was set on text block only.
- Font awesome icons were removed sometimes.
Version 2.0.3
Release Date: December 08, 2015
- Bug fixing
- Fix < and > encoding.
- Fix non-breaking space encoding.
Version 2.0.2
Release Date: December 07, 2015
- Do not parse entities inside SCRIPT and STYLE tags.
- Enable drop, dragenter, dragover, dragleave and dragend events.
- toolbarInlineWithoutSelection is enabled by default.
- Enhancements
- Remove forms from popups.
- Japanese typing.
- Enter inside an empty heading with the option ENTER_BR enabled.
- Hide popup after editing in popup.
- Disable popup inputs so that they are not submitted with the parent form.
- French translation.
- Traditional Chinese translation.
- Favicon and browser icons were refreshed when switching from code_view or when the HTML was taken from the editor.
- Selection restore in Safari.
- Cursor positioning in Safari.
- Sync editor content before form submit.
- Hide inline toolbar when starting to type.
- Detect page only first time and then store the property.
- IME typing when toolbar inline.
- Bug fixing
- AMD build.
- Using CSS rules from remote files when HTTPS is enabled.
- Image resize was not working correctly all the time.
- Image resize on Windows Phone.
- CSS3 pseudo element used incorrectly.
- Bad closed SPAN tag inside the video popup.
- Editor width was not set to 100% in fullscreen when the width option was present.
- Cut action was removing the entire paragraph sometimes in Firefox.
- Cursor was not visible after editing in IE.
- Height sync error inside iframe when using the video plugin.
- Font family style value was set incorrectly.
- Table cleaning error.
Version 2.0.1
Release Date: November 16, 2015
- When using an iframe the CSS is read directly from the files.
- imageIframeStyle, videoIframeStyle and tableIframeStyle options were removed.
- useClasses option converts all classes to inline style.
- Add Code Beautifier plugin.
- Editor can be initialized on any element.
- Add tableStyles option.
- Add tableMultipleStyles option.
- Add tableStyle and tableCellHorizontalAlign button.
- Rename tableVerticalAlign button to tableCellVerticalAlign.
- Improve initialize performance - modules are no longer ordered on initialization.
- Add pasteAllowLocalImages option.
- Document drop, click, mouseup, mousedown, touchstart, touchend, keypress, keyup, keydown and input events.
- Enhancements
- Sticky toolbar inside scrollable container.
- Improve sticky toolbar performance in Chrome.
- Selecting images between two instances.
- Initialize editor only on left click when initOnClick option is enabled.
- Tooltips are no longer shown when there is no title present.
- All colors inside the editable area are set in RGB.
- Improve German translation.
- Improve Croatian translation.
- Character counter design.
- Rename paragraph style classes for consistency.
- Remove unnecessary tooltips from table dropdowns.
- Add tooltips to image and video align.
- Improve Korean typing on Windows 7 / Chrome.
- Maximum image size was not taking image paddings into consideration.
- Ghost spaces were present before/after comments.
- Backspace can decrease tab when the tabSpaces option is enabled.
- Popup alignment when the position is corrected.
- Bug fixing
- Bold was not working all the time in Safari browsers.
- Rename tableMultipleStyles option to tableCellMultipleStyles.
- image.removed event was not triggered on replace.
- File paperclip icon was not showing inside bold text.
- Outending first item in a list when it had a block tag inside.
- Hitting back inside the link popup when the editor is initialized on a link.
- Codeview was not working correctly in Firefox when selection wasn't in the editor.
- tel: and sms: were escaped.
- Placeholder was not translated initially.
- Screen was scrolling up when the link insertion was cancelled.
- Image loading was stuck sometimes in Chrome iOS.
- Placeholder was not addapting to rtl direction.
- Image default size was set incorrectly the imageResizeWithPercent option was enabled.
- Messages from image manager were not translated.
- Indentation buttons were available during table selection.
- Merging multiple cells was not placing the cursor correctly.
- Scrolling inside dropdowns was not working in iOS.
- Dropdowns were not hidden in iOS when clicking in the editor.
- Link popup was not appearing all the time in iOS.
- Reposition image resizer when the orientation is changed.
- Calling image.upload/file.upload without having the popup initialized was raising an error.
Version 2.0.0
Release Date: November 11, 2015
- Add imageManagerToogleTags option.
- Add codeView.isActive method.
- Add codeView.get method.
- Enhancements
- Typing in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
- Missing translations for titles.
- Dropdown icons are using tooltips.
- Empty elements that have attributes are no longer being removed.
- Detect Edge browser.
- Paste from Microsoft Excel in Firefox on Windows 7.
- Emoticon typing experience.
- Tooltips were visible for inactive buttons.
- Tooltips were falling out for window sometimes.
- Dropdowns overflow when using the scrollableContainer option.
- Add back buttons for colors picker and emoticon popups.
- Horizontal line break page support.
- Tab on multiple lines indents content instead of deleting it.
- Code view is at least 150px tall.
- Bug fixing
- Inserting table was throwing a console error.
- toolbarStickyOffset was not working correctly in fullscreen mode.
- Init on image was not working correctly.
- Edit link was not working when the editor was initialized on a <A> tag.
- chainTrigger method was breaking the chain sometimes.
- <BR> tag before <TABLE> tag was being removed.
- Image resize and remove was not being saved in the undo stack.
- New line was adding at the top when the editor was destroyed and initialized again.
- List buttons were showing incorrect status when the editor was inside a list.
- Styles containing quotes were broken.
- Editing zones with contenteditable="false".
- Video width was exceeding the editor size.
- Image manager tags were working exclusively.
- Scrollbar inside dropdowns could not be clicked.
- Line breaker was appearing outside of the editing area.
- IE drag&drop was not working correctly.
- Videos were not loading on iOS.
- Clicking a video while scrolling on iOS was breaking scroll.
- IE was not preserving font size on color change.
- Image resize with percent was working incorrectly when images were inside <A> tag.
- Videos could not be started in fullscreen mode.
- Selecting bold when an element has the font-weight property set.
- Using inputs inside the editor were throwing an error.
- Image popup was not showing the layers correctly.
- Fixing toolbar at the top was not working correctly inside a scrollable container.
- Forms inside the popups were having a bad size.
Version 2.0.0-rc.3
Release Date: October 06, 2015
- Add the possibility to use displayText in the linkList object.
- Add scrollableContainer option.
- Improve Korean typing.
- Improve Chinese typing in Microsoft Edge.
- Add examples for paragraph style plugin.
- Buttons are toggling popups instead of just showing them.
- Improve editing inside DIV tags.
- Improve scrolling on touch devices.
- Add position.refresh method.
- Improve cursor position and scrolling on ENTER.
- Add keepFormatOnDelete option.
- Add fullscreen.isActive method.
- Allow to upload SVG images.
- Bug fixing
- editorClass option was not working.
- File plugin was not working without the link plugin.
- paragraphMultipleStyles was not working.
- Buttons from popups were submitting the form they were into.
- Email addresses were not automatically converted all the time.
- linkText option was missing.
- Emoticons were not working on Windows 10.
- Spaces were not converted correctly to non-breaking spaces sometimes.
- Image width was set incorrectly if no width was specified.
- "Open in new tab" could not be disabled.
- Dropdowns were not working when using jQuery-UI.
- Text align was not working.
- Inserting image from image manager was adding the image at the top of the page.
- Image was not resizing correctly when height was specified.
- Enter was not behaving correctly inside links.
- Cursor was badly placed when hitting enter in ENTER_BR.
- Theme class was not added to the tooltips.
- imageDefaultWidth could not be disabled.
- Incorrect active state for lists.
- Focus was jumping in IE.
- Tables outside the editor could be resized like the one inside.
- Link class and styles were lost when updating the URL.
- Destroy was not cleaning the editor helpers correctly.
- Cutting content with an image at the top of the editor was removing all the content.
- "Open in new tab" was unusable on iOS.
- zIndex was not set correctly.
- Page scroll was appearing in Firefox while typing.
- Correct RO translation.
- Back button was not working for the file popup.
- Char counter was breaking the pasting chain for paste.afterCleanup event.
- Calling image.insert was not possible from external button.
- Table resize was not recognized as a change.
- Image reposition was not recognized as a change.
- Fix pasting with indentation.
- toolbarInline was not working with jQuery mobile.
- Links inside table couldn't be edited.
- Reflect indentation state in the toolbar button.
- Reposition sticky toolbar when the DOM is being changed.
- Horizontal split was exchanged with Vertical split.
- Hide popups when they are not in view.
- Setting width option was not updating the toolbar size.
- Custom icon templates were not used by the align plugin.
Version 2.0.0-rc.2
Release Date: September 12, 2015
- Add theme files.
- Improve examples.
- Remove placeholderFontSize option.
- Remove placeholderFontFamily option.
- Remove placeholderLineHeight option.
- Bug fixing
- Cleaning with fullPage option enabled.
- Resizing browser window when in fullscreen mode causes editor to vanish.
- Insert Image does not automatically expand imageByURL when defined in imageInsertButtons.
- Clicking image/link does not open dropdown menu in fullscreen mode.
- Inline toolbar "|" sep causes new line.
- Deleting text in Table.
- Changing text color after background color was not keeping the background.
- Table cell formatting.
- List indentation.
- Video resizing without box-sizing set.
- Choosing first predefined link.
- Deleting a character at the end was removing the space too.
- Dropdowns close too aggressively upon keypress.
- Clicking page scrollbar was hiding the active dropdown.
- CMD+DELETE key combination was not working on MAX OSX.
- TAB key was not working inside lists.
Version 2.0.0-rc.1
Release Date: August 30, 2015
- 56 new options
- 108 new methods
- 21 new events
- Redesign the interface using the Material Design concept.
- Redesign popups for a better UX.
- Display popups below or above based on the window size.
- Custom toolbar based on screen size.
- Add button tooltips.
- Handle enter, backspace and delete actions instead of using the browser's default behavior.
- Possibility to display the current selection's Font Family, Font Size and Paragraph Format.
- Improve overall editing experience.
- Improve editing in full page.
- Improve sticky toolbar.
- Toolbar can be added at the bottom of the editing area.
- Improve RTL detection.
- Improve selection restore.
- Improve placeholder customizability.
- Improve code cleaning.
- Improve accessibility.
- Option to edit content inside an iframe.
- Custom TAB key indentation.
- New methods to ease cursor positioning.
- Possibility to add custom shortcuts.
- Possibility to create custom popups.
- Block Style plugin was renamed to Paragraph Stlye.
- Better paste control.
- Generic way to define buttons and dropdowns.
- Popup templates.
- Create alignment plugin.
- Create save plugin.
- Create paragraph format plugin.
- Create emoticons plugin.
- Create line breaker plugin.
- Create quote plugin.
- Better quote level editing.
- Shortcuts to increase / decrease quote level.
- Table plugin redesign
- Make table actions from popup instead of toolbar.
- Redesign cell selection.
- Resize table.
- Add header.
- Add cell background.
- Change vertical alignment.
- Add cell style.
- Table TAB key navigation.
- Remove "Add cell after" and "Add cell before".
- Image plugin redesign
- Set specific image size.
- Choose if resizing in using pixels or percent.
- Cursor in under the mouse while repositioning image by drag & drop.
- Add image style.
- Improve resizing handlers for mobile.
- Use the same URL for pasted images.
- Media Manager was renamed to Image Manager.
- Image Manager plugin redesign
- Infinite scroll to load images.
- Sort images using tags.
- Link plugin redesign
- Edit link text while popup is visible.
- Video plugin redesign
- Resize video.
- Set video specific size.
- Video display option.
- File plugin redesign
- File remove event.
- File upload to S3.
- Possibility to use filename or the selected text when linking a file.
- HTML View was renamed to Code View.
- Code View plugin redesign
- Use Code Mirror.
- Keep cursor position when switching to code view.