- Documentation
- Concepts
- Custom Elements
- Save
- File
- Image
- Video
- Embedly Plugin
- Migration Guides
- From TinyMCE
- From V1
Migrate from Version 1
In version 2 we have renamed the plugin from $.Editable
to $.FroalaEditor
to make it more suggestive and avoid any name conflict. Therefore, when initializing the editor or calling a method inside the editor, froalaEditor()
method should be used instead of editable()
Toolbar Buttons
In V2, some of the WYSIWYG HTML editor's toolbar button names have changed. The main purpose for this change is to make them sound better and to make them easier to remember.
Old Button | New Button |
blockStyle | paragraphStyle |
createLink | insertLink |
formatBlock | paragraphFormat |
insertHorizontalRule | insertHR |
insertOrderedList | formatOL |
insertUnorderedList | formatUL |
removeFormat | clearFormatting |
sep | | |
table | insertTable |
uploadFile | insertFile |
The following buttons were newly added:
In version 2 some of the core features in version 1 were made plugins. The following features have been moved to plugins:
Feature | New Plugin Name |
align | ../js/plugins/align.min.js |
showHtml | ../js/plugins/code_view.min.js |
image | ../js/plugins/image.min.js |
link | ../js/plugins/link.min.js |
formatBlock | ../js/plugins/paragraph_format.min.js |
save | ../js/plugins/save.min.js |
Some of the existing plugins were renamed to prevent confusion and improve consistency:
Old Plugin | New Plugin |
block_styles | paragraph_style |
file_upload | file |
inline_styles | inline_style |
media_manager | image_manager |
tables | table |
urls | url |
The following plugins were newly added:
In version 2, some options were renamed to make them easier to find and browse. Some of them were removed because they are no longer necessary or they were out of the editor's scope.
Old Option | New Option |
allowedAttrs | htmlAllowedAttrs |
allowedBlankTags | htmlAllowedEmptyTags |
allowedFileTypes | fileAllowedTypes |
allowedImageTypes | imageAllowedTypes |
allowedTags | htmlAllowedTags |
allowComments | htmlAllowComments |
allowScript | htmlRemoveTags |
allowStyle | htmlRemoveTags |
alwaysBlank | linkAlwaysBlank |
alwaysVisible | toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection |
autosave | saveInterval |
autosaveInterval | saveInterval |
beautifyCode | codeBeautifier |
blockStyles | paragraphStyles should be used instead. However, it is not possible to set specific classes for a paragraph block anymore. |
blockStylesToggle | paragraphStylesMultiple |
blockTags | paragraphFormat |
buttons | toolbarButtons |
colorGroups | No longer available. |
colors | colorsBackground/colorsText |
convertEmailAddress | linkConvertEmailAddress |
countCharacters | charCounterCount |
crossDomain | requestWithCORS |
customButtons | Replaced by $.FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand. See Custom Buttons for more details. |
customDropdowns | Replaced by $.FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand. See Custom Dropdown for more details. |
customImageButtons | Replaced by $.FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand. See Custom Image Button for more details. |
customText | To change any text from the editor's interface a language file should be used. |
defaultBlockStyle | paragraphStyles |
defaultColorGroup | colorsDefaultTab |
defaultImageAlignment | imageDefaultAlign |
defaultImageDisplay | imageDefaultDisplay |
defaultImageTitle | No longer available. |
defaultImageWidth | imageDefaultWidth |
defaultTag | The default tag can be customized through the enter option. |
defaultVideoAlignment | videoDefaultAlign |
doNotJoinTags | No longer required. |
fontList | fontFamily |
formatTags | No longer available. |
headers | requestHeaders |
iconClasses | Replaced by icons module. See Custom Icon for more details. |
icons | Replaced by icons module. See Custom Icon for more details. |
imageButtons | imageEditButtons |
imageDeleteConfirmation | Deleting image is out of the editor's scope. |
imageDeleteParams | Deleting image is out of the editor's scope. |
imageDeleteURL | Deleting image is out of the editor's scope. |
imageLink | $.FroalaEditor.POPUP_TEMPLATES.imageInsert should be changed. |
imageTitle | imageAlt should be removed from imageEditButtons. |
imageUpload | $.FroalaEditor.POPUP_TEMPLATES.imageInsert should be changed. |
imagesLoadParams | imageManagerLoadParams |
imagesLoadURL | imageManagerLoadURL |
inlineMode | toolbarInline |
linkText | No longer an option. It appears by default. |
maxCharacters | charCounterMax |
maxFileSize | fileMaxSize |
maxHeight | heightMax |
maxImageSize | imageMaxSize |
mediaManager | $.FroalaEditor.POPUP_TEMPLATES.imageInsert should be changed. |
minHeight | heightMin |
noFollow | linkAlwaysNoFollow |
paragraphy | enter |
pasteImage | imagePaste |
pastedImagesUploadRequestType | No longer required. Pasted images are uploaded the same way as the other images. |
pastedImagesUploadURL | No longer required. Pasted images are uploaded the same way as the other images. |
placeholder | placeholderText |
plainPaste | pastePlain |
preloaderSrc | imageManagerPreloader |
saveRequestType | saveMethod |
selfClosingTags | No longer required. |
shortcuts | shortcutsEnabled |
shortcutsAvailable | shortcutsEnabled |
showNextToCursor | No longer available. |
simpleAmpersand | htmlSimpleAmpersand |
textNearImage | imageTextNear |
textNearVideo | videoTextNear |
toolbarFixed | toolbarSticky |
trackScroll | No longer required. |
unlinkButton | linkEditButtons |
unsupportedAgents | Out of the editor's scope. |
useFileName | fileUseSelectedText |
useFrTag | No longer available. The fr-view class should be used instead. See Display Edited Content for more details. |
videoAllowedAttrs | No longer available. htmlAllowedAttrs will be used to insert embedded code. |
videoAllowedTags | No longer available.htmlAllowedTags will be used to insert embedded code. |
videoButtons | videoEditButtons |
withCredentials | No longer required. It's enabled by default when using the requestWithCORS option. |
The following options were newly added:
One of the main change from version 2 is the modular design. Old methods were moved into modules and some of them were removed because they were out of the editor's scope. If a method that you were using changed its name, we recommend that you also check the list of arguments.
Old Method | New Method |
checkPlaceholder | placeholder.refresh |
clearSelection | selection.clear |
deleteImage | Out of the editor's scope. Users's should make custom request to the server to delete image. |
disable | edit.off |
enable | edit.on |
exec | Removed for more granular control. |
focus | events.focus |
getHTML | html.get |
getRange | selection.ranges |
getSelection | selection.get |
getSelectionElement | selection.element |
getSelectionElements | selection.blocks |
getSelectionLink | link.get |
getSelectionLinks | link.allSelected |
getSelectionParent | Out of the editor's scope. selection.element returns the selected element and it can be manipulated further if the parent is needed. |
getText | Out of the editor's scope. Text inside the editor can be accessed through the jQuery object $(selector).data('froala.editor').$el.text() . |
hide | toolbar.hide |
hideMediaManager | imageManager.hide |
hidePopups | popups.hideAll |
insertHTML | html.insert |
isEnabled | No longer available. |
option | No longer available. |
option1 | No longer available. |
option2 | No longer available. |
option3 | No longer available. |
placeMarker | markers.place |
redo | commands.redo |
refreshButtons | button.bulkRefresh |
removeFormat | commands.clearFormatting |
removeMarkers | markers.remove |
repositionEditor | toolbar.showInline. |
restoreSelection | selection.restore |
restoreSelectionByMarkers | selection.restore |
save | save.save |
saveSelection | selection.save |
saveSelectionByMarkers | selection.save |
saveUndoStep | undo.saveStep |
selectionInEditor | selection.inEditor |
setDirty | save.force |
setHTML | html.set |
setSelection | $.FroalaEditor.START_MARKER and $.FroalaEditor.END_MARKER should be placed at the start/end of the selection and selection.restore shall be called afterwhile. |
show | toolbar.showInline |
showByCoordinates | No longer available. In version 1, this method was used to position both toolbar in inline mode and popups. In version 2, toolbar and popups are no longer related. |
showInsertImage | The popup module should be used to manipulate image popup display. |
showInsertLink | The popup module should be used to manipulate link display. |
showInsertVideo | The popup module should be used to manipulate video display. |
showMediaManager | imageManager.show |
sync | +Automatically trigger on contentChanged event. |
text | selection.text |
triggerEvent | events.trigger |
undo | commands.undo |
writeImage | image.insert |
writeLink | link.insert |
writeVideo | video.insert |
The following methods were newly added:
In version 2, the namespace of the events was changed from editable
to froalaEditor
. Therefore, events should now be bind accordingly: $(selector).on('froalaEditor.event')
. Most of the events from v1 are still available in v2, however most of them changed their name because of the new modular design. We recommend that you also check the list of arguments for the events you are using.
Some of the events from v1 were replaced in v2 by a generic event called commands.after
. See commands.after for more details.
Old Event | New Event |
afterFileUpload | file.uploaded |
afterImageUpload | image.uploaded |
afterPaste | paste.after |
afterPasteCleanup | paste.afterCleanup |
afterRemoveImage | image.removed |
afterSave | save.after |
afterUploadPastedImage | image.uploaded |
align | commands.after |
backColor | commands.after |
badLink | link.bad |
beforeDeleteImage | Out of the editor's scope. |
beforeFileUpload | file.beforeUpload |
beforeImageUpload | image.beforeUpload |
beforePaste | paste.before |
beforeRemoveImage | image.beforeRemove |
beforeSave | save.before |
beforeUploadPastedImage | image.beforePasteUpload |
bold | commands.after |
cellDeleted | No longer available. |
cellHorizontalSplit | commands.after |
cellInsertedAfter | No longer available. |
cellInsertedBefore | No longer available. |
cellVerticalSplit | commands.after |
cellsMerged | commands.after |
columnDeleted | commands.after |
columnInsertedBefore | commands.after |
fileError | file.error |
fileUploaded | file.inserted |
fontFamily | commands.after |
fontSize | commands.after |
foreColor | commands.after |
formatBlock | commands.after |
getHTML | html.get |
htmlHide | commands.after |
htmlShow | commands.after |
imageAltSet | commands.after |
imageDeleteError | Out of the editor's context. |
imageDeleteSuccess | Out of the editor's context. |
imageError | image.error |
imageFloatedLeft | commands.after |
imageFloatedNone | commands.after |
imageFloatedRight | commands.after |
imageInserted | image.inserted |
imageLinkInserted | commands.after |
imageLinkRemoved | commands.after |
imageLoaded | image.loaded |
imageReplaced | image.replaced |
imageResize | image.resize |
imageResizeEnd | image.resizeEnd |
imagesLoaded | imageManager.imagesLoaded |
imagesLoadError | imageManager.loadError |
indent | commands.after |
italic | commands.after |
linkInserted | commands.after |
linkRemoved | commands.after |
maxCharNumberExceeded | charCounter.exceeded |
onPaste | beforeCleanup |
orderedListInserted | commands.after |
outdent | commands.after |
redo | commands.after |
rowDeleted | commands.after |
rowInsertedAbove | commands.after |
rowInsertedBelow | commands.after |
saveError | save.error |
selectAll | commands.after |
strikeThrough | commands.after |
subscript | commands.after |
superscript | commands.after |
tableDeleted | commands.after |
tableInserted | commands.after |
underline | commands.after |
undo | commands.after |
unorderedListInserted | commands.after |
videoError | video.codeError and video.linkError |
videoFloatedLeft | commands.after |
videoFloatedNone | commands.after |
videoFloatedRight | commands.after |
videoInserted | video.inserted |
videoRemoved | video.removed |
The following events were newly added: