
Froala Editor v4.2.0 is Here LEARN MORE

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editable.afterFileUpload (e, editor, response)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • response

    The original server response.

Triggered after the file was uploaded. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the afterFileUpload event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterFileUpload', function (e, editor, response) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterFileUpload event:


editable.afterImageUpload (e, editor, response)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • response

    The original server response.

Triggered after the image was uploaded. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the afterImageUpload event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterImageUpload', function (e, editor, response) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterImageUpload event:


editable.afterPaste (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after pasting something into the Froala Rich Text Editor.


Set the afterPaste event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterPaste', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterPaste event:


editable.afterPasteCleanup (e, editor, html)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • html

    A string with the pasted content after it was cleaned up.

Triggered after the content was pasted from the clipboard into the Froala Rich Text Editor and it was cleaned up. If a string is returned, the new string will be used as the pasted content.


Set the afterPasteCleanup event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterPasteCleanup', function (e, editor, html) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterPasteCleanup event:


editable.afterRemoveImage (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object with the image to be removed. It can be used to delete the image from the server.

Triggered after image is removed from the Froala Rich Text Editor.
Note: The image is removed only from the editable box and no delete request is being made the server.


Set the afterRemoveImage event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterRemoveImage', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterRemoveImage event:


editable.afterSave (e, editor, data)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • data

    The returned data from the save request.

Triggered after the save request.


Set the afterSave event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterSave', function (e, editor, data) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterSave event:


editable.afterUploadPastedImage (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object with the image to be uploaded.

Triggered after an image pasted from clipboard is uploaded.


Set the afterUploadPastedImage event:

$('.selector').on('editable.afterUploadPastedImage', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the afterUploadPastedImage event:


editable.align (e, editor, value)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • value

    The alignment value.

Triggered after a block is aligned.


Set the align event:

$('.selector').on('editable.align', function (e, editor, value) {
// Do something here.

Unset the align event:


editable.backColor (e, editor, newColor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newColor

    The new color.

Triggered after background color is set.


Set the backColor event:

$('.selector').on('editable.backColor', function (e, editor, newColor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the backColor event:

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • url

    The URL introduced by the user and rejected as bad link.

Triggered when a bad link is typed for insertion into the Froala Rich Text Editor.


Set the badLink event:

$('.selector').on('editable.badLink', function (e, editor, url) {
// Do something here.

Unset the badLink event:


editable.beforeDeleteImage (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object with the image to be deleted.

Triggered before doing a delete request to the URL passed as imageDeleteURL. The request is being made by the deleteImage method. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the beforeDeleteImage event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeDeleteImage', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeDeleteImage event:


editable.beforeFileUpload (e, editor, files)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • files

    An array with the filesf to be uploaded.

Triggered before uploading a file to the server. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the beforeFileUpload event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeFileUpload', function (e, editor, files) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeFileUpload event:


editable.beforeImageUpload (e, editor, images)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • images

    An array with the images to be uploaded.

Triggered before uploading an image to the server. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the beforeImageUpload event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeImageUpload', function (e, editor, images) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeImageUpload event:


editable.beforePaste (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered before pasting something into the Froala Rich Text Editor. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the beforePaste event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforePaste', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforePaste event:


editable.beforeRemoveImage (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object with the image to be removed.

Triggered after user confirms to remove the image from the Froala Rich Text Editor, but before actually removing it. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.
Note: The image is removed only from the editable box and no delete request is being made the server.


Set the beforeRemoveImage event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeRemoveImage', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeRemoveImage event:


editable.beforeSave (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered before doing the save request. The request can be cancelled by returning false in the event assigned method.


Set the beforeSave event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeSave', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeSave event:


editable.beforeUploadPastedImage (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    The DOM element representing the image to be uploaded.

Triggered before uploading a pasted image from clipboard to the server. Returning false in the handler assigned to the event will cancel the current action.


Set the beforeUploadPastedImage event:

$('.selector').on('editable.beforeUploadPastedImage', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the beforeUploadPastedImage event:


editable.blur (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the Froala Rich Text Editor looses "focus".


Set the blur event:

$('.selector').on('editable.blur', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the blur event:


editable.bold (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a bold command is executed.


Set the bold event:

$('.selector').on('editable.bold', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the bold event:


editable.cellDeleted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the selected cell or cells are deleted.


Set the cellDeleted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellDeleted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellDeleted event:


editable.cellHorizontalSplit (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a cell is split horizontally.


Set the cellHorizontalSplit event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellHorizontalSplit', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellHorizontalSplit event:


editable.cellInsertedAfter (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a cell is inserted after the selected cell.


Set the cellInsertedAfter event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellInsertedAfter', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellInsertedAfter event:


editable.cellInsertedBefore (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a cell is inserted before the selected cell.


Set the cellInsertedBefore event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellInsertedBefore', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellInsertedBefore event:


editable.cellVerticalSplit (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a cell is split vertically.


Set the cellVerticalSplit event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellVerticalSplit', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellVerticalSplit event:


editable.cellsMerged (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the selected cells are merged.


Set the cellsMerged event:

$('.selector').on('editable.cellsMerged', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the cellsMerged event:


editable.columnDeleted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the selected column or columns are deleted.


Set the columnDeleted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.columnDeleted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the columnDeleted event:


editable.columnInsertedAfter (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a column is inserted after the current column.


Set the columnInsertedAfter event:

$('.selector').on('editable.columnInsertedAfter', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the columnInsertedAfter event:


editable.columnInsertedBefore (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a column is inserted before the current column.


Set the columnInsertedBefore event:

$('.selector').on('editable.columnInsertedBefore', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the columnInsertedBefore event:


editable.contentChanged (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the content from the Froala Rich Text Editor has changed.


Set the contentChanged event:

$('.selector').on('editable.contentChanged', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the contentChanged event:


editable.fileError (e, editor, error)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • error

    An object containing error code and error message.

Triggered by an error occurred while trying to load the file.


Set the fileError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.fileError', function (e, editor, error) {
// Do something here.

Unset the fileError event:


editable.fileUploaded (e, editor, filename, link, response)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • filename

    The name of the uploaded file.

  • link

    The link to the uploaded file.

  • response

    The original response from the server.

Triggered after the request to upload a file has been completed successfully.


Set the fileUploaded event:

$('.selector').on('editable.fileUploaded', function (e, editor, filename, link, response) {
// Do something here.

Unset the fileUploaded event:


editable.focus (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the Froala Rich Text Editor gets focused.


Set the focus event:

$('.selector').on('editable.focus', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the focus event:


editable.fontFamily (e, editor, newValue)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newValue

    The new value for font family.

Triggered after font family is changed.


Set the fontFamily event:

$('.selector').on('editable.fontFamily', function (e, editor, newValue) {
// Do something here.

Unset the fontFamily event:


editable.fontSize (e, editor, newValue)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newValue

    The new value for font size.

Triggered after font size is changed.


Set the fontSize event:

$('.selector').on('editable.fontSize', function (e, editor, newValue) {
// Do something here.

Unset the fontSize event:


editable.foreColor (e, editor, newColor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newColor

    The new color.

Triggered after the text color is set.


Set the foreColor event:

$('.selector').on('editable.foreColor', function (e, editor, newColor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the foreColor event:


editable.formatBlock (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a block is formatted.


Set the formatBlock event:

$('.selector').on('editable.formatBlock', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the formatBlock event:


editable.getHTML (e, editor, html)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • html

    The HTML from the editor.

Triggered when the HTML of the editor is saved or synced. If a string is returned, then the new string will be used.


Set the getHTML event:

$('.selector').on('editable.getHTML', function (e, editor, html) {
// Do something here.

Unset the getHTML event:


editable.htmlHide (e, editor, html)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • html

    The HTML from the editor.

Triggered after the html hide button is hit.


Set the htmlHide event:

$('.selector').on('editable.htmlHide', function (e, editor, html) {
// Do something here.

Unset the htmlHide event:


editable.htmlShow (e, editor, html)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • html

    The HTML from the editor.

Triggered after the html show button is hit.


Set the htmlShow event:

$('.selector').on('editable.htmlShow', function (e, editor, html) {
// Do something here.

Unset the htmlShow event:


editable.imageAltSet (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery image object.

Triggered after setting image alt.


Set the imageAltSet event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageAltSet', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageAltSet event:


editable.imageDeleteError (e, editor, message)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • message

    A string explaining the reason of the error.

Triggered by an error is occurred when trying to delete an image from the server.


Set the imageDeleteError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageDeleteError', function (e, editor, message) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageDeleteError event:


editable.imageDeleteSuccess (e, editor, data)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • data

    The returned data from the save request.

Triggered after the request to delete image from the server has been completed successfully.


Set the imageDeleteSuccess event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageDeleteSuccess', function (e, editor, data) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageDeleteSuccess event:


editable.imageError (e, editor, error)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • error

    An object containing error code and error message.

Triggered by an error occurred while trying to load the image.


Set the imageError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageError', function (e, editor, error) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageError event:


editable.imageFloatedLeft (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery image object.

Triggered when the image is floated to the left.


Set the imageFloatedLeft event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageFloatedLeft', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageFloatedLeft event:


editable.imageFloatedNone (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery image object.

Triggered when the image is centered.


Set the imageFloatedNone event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageFloatedNone', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageFloatedNone event:


editable.imageFloatedRight (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery image object.

Triggered when the image is floated to the right.


Set the imageFloatedRight event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageFloatedRight', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageFloatedRight event:


editable.imageInserted (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object containing the inserted image.

Triggered after image was inserted in the Froala Rich Text Editor.


Set the imageInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageInserted', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageInserted event:


editable.imageLinkInserted (e, editor, URL)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • URL

    The URL of the added link.

Triggered after a link was added to an image.


Set the imageLinkInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageLinkInserted', function (e, editor, URL) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageLinkInserted event:


editable.imageLinkRemoved (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a link was removed from an image.


Set the imageLinkRemoved event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageLinkRemoved', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageLinkRemoved event:


editable.imageLoaded (e, editor, URL)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • URL

    The URL of the loaded image.

Triggered when an image has finished to load successfully.


Set the imageLoaded event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageLoaded', function (e, editor, URL) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageLoaded event:


editable.imageReplaced (e, editor, img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • img

    A jQuery object containing the new image.

Triggered after image was replaced with a new one.


Set the imageReplaced event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageReplaced', function (e, editor, img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageReplaced event:


editable.imageResize (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery object containing the resized image.

Triggered while doing image resize.


Set the imageResize event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageResize', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageResize event:


editable.imageResizeEnd (e, editor, $img)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • $img

    The jQuery object containing the resized image.

Triggered when image resize has finished.


Set the imageResizeEnd event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imageResizeEnd', function (e, editor, $img) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imageResizeEnd event:


editable.imagesLoaded (e, editor, data)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • data

    The data returned from the server.

Triggered after the request to load images in the media manager has been completed successfully.


Set the imagesLoaded event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imagesLoaded', function (e, editor, data) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imagesLoaded event:


editable.imagesLoadError (e, editor, message)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • message

    A string explaining the reason of the error.

Triggered by an error occurred when loading the images list from the server in the media manager.


Set the imagesLoadError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.imagesLoadError', function (e, editor, message) {
// Do something here.

Unset the imagesLoadError event:


editable.indent (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a block is indented.


Set the indent event:

$('.selector').on('editable.indent', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the indent event:


editable.initialized (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the Froala Rich Text Editor has finished to initialize.


Set the initialized event:

$('.selector').on('editable.initialized', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the initialized event:


editable.italic (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after italic command is executed.


Set the italic event:

$('.selector').on('editable.italic', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the italic event:


editable.linkInserted (e, editor, URL)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • URL

    The URL of the inserted link.

Triggered after a link was inserted.


Set the linkInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.linkInserted', function (e, editor, URL) {
// Do something here.

Unset the linkInserted event:


editable.linkRemoved (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a link was removed.


Set the linkRemoved event:

$('.selector').on('editable.linkRemoved', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the linkRemoved event:


editable.maxCharNumberExceeded (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the maxCharNumber was exceeded.


Set the maxCharNumberExceeded event:

$('.selector').on('editable.maxCharNumberExceeded', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the maxCharNumberExceeded event:


editable.onPaste (e, editor, html)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • html

    A string with the pasted content.

Triggered after the content is pasted from the clipboard into the Froala Rich Text Editor. If a string is returned the new string will be used as the pasted content.


Set the onPaste event:

$('.selector').on('editable.onPaste', function (e, editor, html) {
// Do something here.

Unset the onPaste event:


editable.orderedListInserted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after insertOrderedList command is executed.


Set the orderedListInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.orderedListInserted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the orderedListInserted event:


editable.outdent (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a block is outdented.


Set the outdent event:

$('.selector').on('editable.outdent', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the outdent event:


editable.redo (e, editor, newHTML, oldHTML)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newHTML

    The HTML set after redo action.

  • oldHTML

    The HTML that was before the redo action.

Triggered after redo.


Set the redo event:

$('.selector').on('editable.redo', function (e, editor, newHTML, oldHTML) {
// Do something here.

Unset the redo event:


editable.rowDeleted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the selected row or rows are deleted.


Set the rowDeleted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.rowDeleted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the rowDeleted event:


editable.rowInsertedAbove (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a row is inserted after the current row.


Set the rowInsertedAbove event:

$('.selector').on('editable.rowInsertedAbove', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the rowInsertedAbove event:


editable.rowInsertedBelow (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a row is inserted before the current row.


Set the rowInsertedBelow event:

$('.selector').on('editable.rowInsertedBelow', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the rowInsertedBelow event:


editable.saveError (e, editor, error)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • error

    The description of the error that happened during the save request.

Triggered when an error occurs during save request.


Set the saveError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.saveError', function (e, editor, error) {
// Do something here.

Unset the saveError event:


editable.selectAll (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after selectAll command is executed.


Set the selectAll event:

$('.selector').on('editable.selectAll', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the selectAll event:


editable.strikeThrough (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after strikeThrough command is executed.


Set the strikeThrough event:

$('.selector').on('editable.strikeThrough', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the strikeThrough event:


editable.subscript (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the subscript command is executed.


Set the subscript event:

$('.selector').on('editable.subscript', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the subscript event:


editable.superscript (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the superscript command is executed.


Set the superscript event:

$('.selector').on('editable.superscript', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the superscript event:


editable.tableDeleted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after the table is deleted.


Set the tableDeleted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.tableDeleted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the tableDeleted event:


editable.tableInserted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after a table is inserted.


Set the tableInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.tableInserted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the tableInserted event:


editable.underline (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after underline command is executed.


Set the underline event:

$('.selector').on('editable.underline', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the underline event:


editable.undo (e, editor, newHTML, oldHTML)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • newHTML

    The HTML set after undo action.

  • oldHTML

    The HTML that was before the undo action.

Triggered after undo.


Set the undo event:

$('.selector').on('editable.undo', function (e, editor, newHTML, oldHTML) {
// Do something here.

Unset the undo event:


editable.unorderedListInserted (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after insertUnorderedList command is executed.


Set the unorderedListInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.unorderedListInserted', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the unorderedListInserted event:


editable.videoError (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered by an error occurred while trying to insert a video.


Set the videoError event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoError', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoError event:


editable.videoFloatedLeft (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the video is floated to the left.


Set the videoFloatedLeft event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoFloatedLeft', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoFloatedLeft event:


editable.videoFloatedNone (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the video is centered.


Set the videoFloatedNone event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoFloatedNone', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoFloatedNone event:


editable.videoFloatedRight (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered when the video is floated to the right.


Set the videoFloatedRight event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoFloatedRight', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoFloatedRight event:


editable.videoInserted (e, editor, code)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

  • code

    The code of the inserted video.

Triggered after video was inserted.


Set the videoInserted event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoInserted', function (e, editor, code) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoInserted event:


editable.videoRemoved (e, editor)

  • e

    The callback event.

  • editor

    The editor instance.

Triggered after video was removed.


Set the videoRemoved event:

$('.selector').on('editable.videoRemoved', function (e, editor) {
// Do something here.

Unset the videoRemoved event:

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<div class="gglcptch gglcptch_v2"><div id="gglcptch_recaptcha_1824027933" class="gglcptch_recaptcha"></div> <noscript> <div style="width: 302px;"> <div style="width: 302px; height: 422px; position: relative;"> <div style="width: 302px; height: 422px; position: absolute;"> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 302px; height:422px; border-style: none;"></iframe> </div> </div> <div style="border-style: none; bottom: 12px; left: 25px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; right: 25px; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; border-radius: 3px; height: 60px; width: 300px;"> <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px !important; height: 40px !important; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1 !important; margin: 10px 25px !important; padding: 0px !important; resize: none !important;"></textarea> </div> </div> </noscript></div>