
Froala Editor v4.2.0 is Here LEARN MORE

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The Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Beautiful Javascript web editor that's easy to integrate for developers and your
users will simply fall in love with its clean design.


→ This is a full-featured demo. Try it and see for yourself! 

Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML Editor written in Javascript that enables rich text editing capabilities for your applications.Editor photoThis is an image caption.

Complete documentation  
Framework plugins  
Tons of examples  

These companies are changing the world, and they use Froala.

Simple editor


Lots of features don't have to overwhelm the user with hundreds of buttons. The Froala's WYSIWYG editor smart toolbar can accommodate over 100 features in this simple interface.

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Smart editor

Smart. Intuitive.

The Froala Smart Toolbar groups all actions by scope into 4 categories. It's an intuitive toolbar where every feature is easy to find and your most used ones are there for you.

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Full editor

Full of features.

Froala Rich Text Editor has a vast range of both simple and complex features for all kind of use cases.

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Full of Features


Why Froala Editor?

Web page developer sitting on top of a performance gauge with projects behind him.

Developer friendly

A WYSIWYG HTML editor created by developers, for developers. With a powerful API and documentation you can get started in minutes.
Quick start

A man and a woman wearing jackets and boots hugging a large yellow smiley face.

Easy to extend

You can literally do anything with the Froala Editor. Well written, structured and documented code is very easy to understand and further extend.
Custom build

Two men pulling massive paper files with text and diagrams from a massive folder.

Out of the box plugins

There's no need to reinvent the wheel. Our rich text editor comes with over 30 out of the box plugins to choose from and use in your project. See plugins

Browser displaying the Froala Inline Editor Demo snapshot with a word editor toolbar highlighting the word Editor.

Classic and Inline

Our WYSIWYG HTML editor transformed a basic Javascript tool into an essential technology for many industries. In most cases this wouldn't have been possible without our Inline WYSIWYG HTML Editor.

Use it right away with your existing tech stack.

Ruby on Rails React JS Aurelia Angular 2 and 4 Ionic Vue JS Yii Framework Meteor Django Ember JS Knockout JS CakePHP Symfony CraftCMS Wordpress Sencha

Get Started Now

Unlimited users and developers no matter what plan you choose.

For any questions contact us or check out our Help Center.

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