- Getting Started
- Browser Support
- Languages Support
- Shortcuts
- Activation
- Examples
- Customize the Editor
- Use-cases
- Plugins
- APIs
- Development Frameworks
- Server Integrations
- Server SDKs
- Migration Guides
- Changelog
- Tutorials
- Froala Docs
- /
- Framework Plugins
- /
- Meteor JS
Meteor JS Froala WYSIWYG Editor
Reactive Plugin
A Reactive plugin for the Froala Editor is also available.
Open a terminal in your meteor project directory and run the following command:
meteor add froala:editor
Create a froala-template in main.html.
<template name="froala"> <div class="editor">Hello Froala</div> </template>
Include the template in the body.
{{> froala}}
Run Froala Editor when the template is rendered in main.js.
Template.froala.rendered = function () { new FroalaEditor('.editor'); };
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