10 BEST Front-End Development Tools (2024)

A front-end development tool is a software application that is designed to simplify the creation of web layouts and applications. 

These tools help the development process. This is because they offer built-in features and drag-and-drop elements. These functions enable the faster design of attractive web interfaces.

Front-end web tools help developers achieve their goals, including reliable options with essential features. 

After days of exploring front-end development tools, we compiled a list of the top options. The research involved a complete examination of their functionalities and capabilities. 

We work to present this list to users with a factual perspective. We conduct a review covering key features. This article wants to give you the information needed to make well-informed decisions.

10 BEST Front-End Development Tools (2024)


The listing articles, like this one, are frequently consulted by professionals on popular sites for web developer niches, such as Guru99. The developers usually find these listings after searching on Google expressions like “Best Front-End Development Tools 2024”.

Besides this listing,  the popular front-end development tools for developers also include well-known tools and languages like JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Node, Bootstrap, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

#1 – Filestack

Working on File Handling

Filestack is a front-end development tool for file uploading and integration. 

This software allows developers to upload, transform, and deliver files across platforms, using API and cloud-based infrastructure. 

Filestack works on the process of uploading images, videos, and documents. It enhances your application’s functionality.


  • File Handling: Filestack makes file handling comprehensible by providing infrastructure, allowing developers to work across platforms.

  • AI Capabilities: The Filestack’s image intelligence suite, powered by artificial intelligence, performs tasks such as object detection on your images.
  • Optimized Delivery: Filestack’s CDN stands out as a tool for amplifying file delivery speeds. It ensures content distribution, making it an optimal solution for file delivery.


  • Filestack supports different file types and formats, making it a versatile solution for file- needs.
  • Developers benefit from Filestack’s user-friendly APIs and straightforward integration process, saving time in implementation.


  • The free version does not provide the capability to upload to Azure.

# 2 – Froala

Elevating the Text Editing Level

Froala is a front-end WYSIWYG HTML text editor. It allows the developers to have a feature-rich and customizable editing experience. 

Its WYSIWYG editor simplifies content creation, offering an integration process. 

Froala has plugin options that enhance your application’s text-editing capabilities, ensuring a polished and professional look.


  • Code Quality: Froala provides code that exhibits flexibility and testability. This type of code is characterized by efficiency to coding standards.
  • Intuitive Design: Froala boasts a design that aids in creating visually appealing user interfaces. The tool facilitates the customization of aspects of the rich text editor.
  • Plugin Options: With over 30 pre-built plugins, Froala allows users to amplify their editor with additional functionalities. These plugins cover features, from emoticons to change trackers, providing users with the flexibility to meet their specific preferences.


  • Froala’s editor is equipped with a comprehensive set of features, including image editing, tables, and document integration.
  • The intuitive interface of the editor contributes to a positive user experience, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.


  • The Free trial is limited and shows a watermark.

#3 – Node Package Manager

Distribution code modules


NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for JavaScript that facilitates the management of reusable code modules. 


Developers use NPM to effortlessly install and manage third-party packages and libraries needed for their projects.


NPM excels in resolving dependencies efficiently, ensuring that the right versions of packages are installed, and potential conflicts are minimized.




  • Version Control: NPM enables developers to specify the versions of packages to ensure consistency across different environments.
  • Script Execution: Developers can define and run custom scripts through NPM, streamlining various project-related tasks.
  • Registry Support: The centralized NPMregistry hosts an extensive collection of packages, allowing developers to discover a wide range of functionalities.


  • NPM boasts a vast and active ecosystem, providing developers with a plethora of pre-built solutions and libraries.
  • The straightforward commands of NPM make it user-friendly, simplifying the process of installing, updating, and removing packages.


  • While Npm has security features, it’s essential for developers to remain vigilant about security vulnerabilities within the packages.

#4 – FusionCharts

Data Visualization Redefined

FusionCharts stands out as a front-end tool for data visualization. It offers a wide range of charts and graphs. 

Developers can use them to create interactive and engaging data representations with ease. 

FusionCharts empowers developers to convey information. They can create simple line charts or complex heat maps that increase the user experience.


  • Chart Library: FusionCharts offers an extensive library of charts and graphs, providing developers with an array of options for visualizing data interactively.
  • Data Integration: FusionCharts supports real-time data updates, allowing developers to create dynamic charts that reflect the latest information, making it suitable for applications requiring live data representation.
  • Customization: Developers have the flexibility to customize the behavior of charts, ensuring alignment with the application’s design and specific visualization needs.


  • FusionCharts certify compatibility with various browsers, ensuring consistent performance and visual appeal across different platforms.
  • It provides detailed documentation, facilitating an easier learning curve for developers looking to harness the potential of the tool.


  • FusionCharts offers a free version, but it comes with limitations.


#5 – GitHub

Collaboration Control Platform


GitHub is a web-based platform that facilitates collaborative software development through version control and hosting.


It employs Git for version control, allowing developers to track changes, manage different versions of their code, and collaborate with others.


GitHub provides an interactive environment for developers to collaborate on projects. Features like pull requests, issues, and discussions enhance communication.




  • Repository Hosting: GitHub serves as a centralized repository hosting platform, making it easy to share codebases.
  • Collaboration Tools: Robust collaboration tools, including pull requests and issues, streamline communication and project management.
  • Continuous Integration: GitHub integrates with various CI/CD tools, enabling automated testing and deployment workflows.



  • It is a hub for open-source development, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing within a vast community.
  • GitHub’s features, such as pull requests and issue tracking, enhance team collaboration and project management.



  • GitHub environment may have a high learning curve, particularly for those new to version control systems.

#6 – UltraEdit

Speeding up the Text Editing

UltraEdit is a text editor for front-end developers who demand efficient design.

With advanced editing features, syntax highlighting, and multi-caret editing, UltraEdit accelerates coding workflows. 

UltraEdit provides a seamless environment for creating and modifying code. It works well for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other languages.


  • Editing Capabilities: UltraEdit provides different text editing features, including syntax highlighting for various programming languages, column/block mode editing, and search/replace regular expressions.
  • Multi-Platform Support: It offers cross-platform compatibility, allowing users to switch the same project between Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • File Comparison: UltraEdit includes tools for synchronizing files, making it easier for users to identify and merge changes in different versions.


  • UltraEdit allows users to customize the interface, keyboard shortcuts, and themes to suit their preferences and workflow, enhancing productivity.
  • The application comes with advanced search and replace functionality, supporting regular expressions and providing options across multiple files and directories efficiently.


  • Due to its extensive capabilities, UltraEdit may have a steeper learning curve for new users.

#7 – Exchange Rates API

Real-time Currency Exchange Data

Exchange Rates API, from APILayer, is a front-end development tool that integrates real-time currency exchange data. 

With its simple API, developers can incorporate live exchange rates into their applications. 

Whether you’re building a finance app or an e-commerce platform, it ensures your users always have accurate and up-to-date currency conversion information.


  • Real-Time: Exchange Rates API provides up-to-date exchange rates for a range of currencies, allowing developers to integrate conversion functionality into their applications.
  • Historical: Users can access historical exchange rate data, which is valuable for financial analysis, reporting, and understanding trends over time.
  • Integration: The API is designed for easy integration into applications, with documentation and support for various programming languages, making it accessible for developers.


  • Exchange Rates API offers a free tier with limited usage, allowing developers to test the service into their projects without incurring immediate costs.
  • The API supports a broad range of currencies, providing comprehensive coverage for global financial transactions and making it suitable for applications with diverse users.


  • Users should be aware of the update frequency and assess whether it aligns with their application’s requirements.

#8 – Figma

Collaborative Interface Design Tool


Figma is a cloud-based design tool that revolutionizes the way teams collaborate on interface design, covering both the Design and Collaboration phases.


It provides a versatile platform for designing user interfaces, wireframes, and prototypes collaboratively in real-time.


Figma stands out with its collaborative features, allowing multiple team members to work simultaneously on the same design, fostering real-time feedback and iteration.


  • Real-Time Collaboration: Figma’s cloud-based nature enables seamless real-time collaboration, making it easy for designers to work together.
  • Prototyping: The tool supports the creation of interactive prototypes, facilitating user experience testing and validation.
  • Design Components: Figma allows the creation and reuse of design components, ensuring consistency across different screens and projects.


  • Figma is accessible through web browsers, making it easy for designers to work on different operating systems without compatibility issues.
  • It keeps track of version history, allowing designers to revert to previous iterations if needed.


  • Figma’s cloud-based nature means that a stable internet connection is crucial for uninterrupted work, which may be a limitation in certain scenarios.

#9 – Weatherstack

Weather Data Integration Simpler

Weatherstack has emerged as a key tool for front-end developers. They use it to integrate weather data. 

With its powerful APILayer, Weatherstack provides accurate and real-time weather information. 

Whether you’re developing a travel app or a weather-centric platform, Weatherstack ensures that your users will stay informed about current and forecasted weather conditions.


  • Real-Time: Weatherstack provides real-time weather data, including current conditions, forecasts, and historical information worldwide.
  • API Integration: It offers an API that allows developers to integrate weather data into their applications, websites, or services, enabling them to display accurate and up-to-date weather information to users.
  • Global: Weatherstack covers a wide range of locations globally, making it suitable for applications with an international base. Users can retrieve weather information for various regions.


  • One of the key advantages is the accuracy and reliability of the weather data provided by Weatherstack, making it a dependable choice for apps that require precise information.
  • The API is designed for easy integration, and provides comprehensive documentation, making it user-friendly for developers who want to quickly incorporate data into projects.


  • Integration with an external weather API like Weatherstack means your application’s weather-related functionalities are dependent on the availability and performance of that service.

#10 – Elements

Web Templates Marketplace


Elements by Envato is a web templates marketplace offering a vast collection of ready-made templates for websites. Its role spans the Discovery and Customization phases.


Users can customize selected templates to suit their specific needs, accelerating the development process by providing a solid foundation.

Elements provide a diverse range of web templates for developers and designers to discover and explore for their projects.


  • Wide Template Variety: Elements offers a broad selection of templates, including site templates, to cater to different industries and design preferences.
  • Royalty-Free Assets: Users gain access to a wealth of royalty-free assets, such as images and graphics, enhancing the visual appeal of their projects.
  • Regular Updates: The marketplace regularly updates its collection, ensuring that users have access to modern and up-to-date design options.


  • Elements significantly reduces development time by providing pre-designed templates that can be easily customized.
  • Compared to hiring a designer or spending extensive time on custom design, Elements provides a cost-effective solution.


  • While templates are versatile, there might be limitations in fully expressing unique brand identities or highly specific design requirements. Customization might be necessary.


As we navigate the ever-evolving front-end development landscape, these tools will be indispensable assets for developers in 2024. 

Whether focused on file handling, text editing, data visualization, or data integration, incorporating these tools into your workflow will elevate the quality of your front-end development projects. 

Stay ahead of the curve. Empower your development journey with these top front-end development tools in 2024.


What defines a Front End Web Development Tool?


A Front End Web Development Tool is a software application designed to assist developers in creating visually appealing website layouts effortlessly. 


It expedites the web development process by offering drag-and-drop elements and various built-in features to construct an aesthetically pleasing website layout. 


If you’re seeking additional tools to streamline your software development process, explore our comprehensive list of recommended tools.

What factors should be considered when selecting a front-end tool?


When choosing a front-end development software, it is advisable to consider these factors:


  • Price: Evaluate the cost associated with the tool.
  • Customizations: Assess the availability of themes and options.
  • Usability: Consider the tool’s user-friendliness and stability.
  • Functionalities: Explore the range of tools offered by the software.
  • Useability: Evaluate how easy it is to use the tool.
  • Language Support: Verify if the tool supports multiple programming languages.
  • Built-in Debugger: Assess whether the tool includes built-in debugger support.
  • Support: Ensure compatibility with various browsers, devices, and operating systems.

Posted on January 11, 2024

Carl Cruz

Product Marketing Manager for Froala. A technical enthusiast at heart.

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