Why You Should Focus On Improving Your HTML Code Editor

A woman working on an iMac displaying the Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor's website.

Hypertext markup language, or HTML for short, is the most basic underlying technology powering the web. Everything from simple web pages to complex and high-end online web services uses HTML. To create and edit HTML documents, you need an HTML code editor.

Given the importance of HTML code editors, we have compiled a list of reasons why you should focus on enhancing your HTML editor. You need to make sure that as a developer or web designer, you’re getting the most out of your HTML code editor. This blog will convince you why you should switch to the Froala HTML code editor and why it is the number one choice of thousands of developers.

What is an HTML Code Editor?

An HTML code editor helps you work with HTML documents and create web pages. You add and edit HTML directly in the editor. A good editor speeds up HTML document creation through its auto-complete, syntax checking, and syntax highlighting features.

What is an HTML WYSIWYG Editor?

Froala editor showing text formatting in real-time with HTML code on the side.

WYSIWYG stands for ‘what you see is what you get’. An HTML WYSIWYG editor has two tabs or windows. One window has the look and feel of a word processor. You can type text directly into this window and format it using the toolbar or keyboard shortcuts. The other tab or window displays the corresponding HTML code. In a WYSIWYG HTML editor, users can add text via the text editor or they can input the HTML directly into the other window. Updating the contents of one window automatically updates the contents of the other in real-time.

Why Should I Use an HTML Code Editor?

An HTML code editor facilitates the creation of web documents using HTML. If you use a WYSIWYG HTML editor, however, you can quickly create long and complex web pages without any knowledge of HTML. They are the ideal platform for any novice web designer or developer. If you are a more experienced user and want to have more control over the HTML document, you can still enter HTML directly into its HTML code window.

Which HTML Code Editor Should I Use?

We recommend the Froala WYSIWYG HTML code editor. Froala is the leader on G2 and top-ranked for its features, ease of use, and customer satisfaction. The figure below shows the ranking of Froala on the G2 grid. 

A comparison chart of WYSIWYG editors software with the Froala Editor highlighted.

Which Rich Text Capabilities do I Get in the Froala HTML Code Editor?

Froala takes your rich text editing experience to a whole new level. Some of its rich text editing features include:

  • Text formatting like changing fonts, resizing text, editing foreground, and background colors, and more.
  • Paragraph formatting including block formatting, line spacing, bullets, numbered lists, and more
  • Table creation with options to format individual cells, rows, and columns
  • Markdown support
  • Insert and format media such as audio, images, and video in the HTML document

Can I Get RTL Support in the Froala HTML Code Editor?

Here is an example-2

Absolutely! Froala fully supports right to left (RTL) languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu. The toolbar automatically shifts and adjusts itself according to your selected language to enhance your text editing experience.

Can I Extend the Capabilities of the Basic Froala HTML Code Editor?

Froala editor features like Colors, Draggable, Embedly, and Emoticons.

Froala comes with a large collection of plugins that enhance the capabilities of its basic HTML code editor. You can include any plugin as and when you need it to extend the functionality of the editor. Plugins for advanced features such as font awesome, image manager, file manager, advanced link editing, advanced list formatting, and more are available.

Can I Track Changes in the Froala HTML Code Editor?

Froala comes with an awesome plugin to track changes. With this plugin, you can easily and seamlessly track all the changes you made to images, formatting, styles, tables, and styles. You can also try out different styles, formats, fonts, and other designs, while still having the option to revert to the older version at any time.

How Does Froala’s Collaborative Editing Feature Add Value to My HTML Code Editor?

Froala includes real-time collaborative editing. With this feature, multiple users can collaborate and work on the same HTML document at the same time. Multiple team members from different parts of the world can therefore participate and join forces with each other for increased productivity and efficiency.

Can I Use Froala HTML Code Editor

on My Mobile Device?

Froala is optimized to run on different types of devices including desktop machines, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. It is fast and lightweight and optimized to run on Android and iOS. You can create HTML documents and edit HTML documents anytime, anywhere. Whether you use a desktop computer in your office or a mobile phone at home, Froala’s HTML code editor is right there at your fingertips.

How Do I Sign Up For Froala?

Froala is a beautiful HTML code editor. You can create stunning, and complex web pages in minutes using the Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor. With awesome text editing capabilities, fast and lightweight, clean design, simple and effective interface, Froala is the first choice of HTML code editor amongst graphic designers and developers alike. A testament to its popularity is its large customer base spread out over 100 countries and includes Amazon, eBay, IBM, Samsung, Adobe, Apple, and more.

Don’t wait any longer. Join the thousands of professionals using Froala and try out the free Froala online HTML editor or sign up for a free trial.





Posted on January 20, 2022

Mehreen Saeed

Mehreen Saeed is an expert technical writer focusing on JavaScript WYSIWYG HTML Editors.

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