Best WYSIWYG HTML Editors for Your Site

Froala logo highlighted in the header block with word editing tools underneath.

Our vision has always been about pushing web editing limits further and further. We are constantly challenging the evolution of WYSIWYG editors and that’s what makes the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor the most wanted editor on the market.

The future of WYSIWYG editors

We believe that the future of web editing is focused on user experience and on creating a smart interface where simplicity and complexity are ubiquitous. The new interface will allow you to keep a vast range of features and not overwhelm the user with hundreds of buttons.

The editor should be intuitive to use - not intrusive. It should give users exactly the right features they need, exactly when they need it.

The new Froala Editor

We are excited to announce a new version for the Froala Editor that encompasses our vision of how the next generation of editors will look, feel and behave.


We designed a smart editor toolbar made of contextually relevant groups of buttons. It displays only the most common or most used buttons, while hundreds of other features are one click away.

The next generation WYSIWYG HTML editor

The Froala Editor Smart Toolbar groups all features into four context categories: Text, Block, Media, and More. It’s a simple and intuitive toolbar where every feature is easy to find and your most wanted ones are right there.

Froala wysiwyg html editor smart toolbar

Smart Toolbar


We created our own set of icons, specially designed for the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor. This helped us remove the Font Awesome dependency and enhanced the editor's intuitiveness. For example, take a look at the before and after icons for various table icons:


Froala row icon Froala column icon Froala cell icon



One last bit of good news:, Froala Editor 3 is jQuery free! Yes, that means our WYSIWYG editor has no more external dependencies. The new vanilla JS editor has a gzipped core of under 50KB, which makes it the most powerful, lightweight WYSIWYG editor, and for sure the best version that we’ve ever released.

The initialization time for the previous version of the Froala Editor was 50ms - ten times faster than the blink of an eye. With an initialization time of under 40ms, the new Froala Editor 3 is 20% faster than the previous version.

As you can see, we have a lot of exciting news, so I want to stop here and let you see for yourself.

Enough talking, see you on the website!

Posted on May 15, 2019

Kirti Joshi

Kirti Joshi is an expert technical writer focusing on JavaScript WYSIWYG HTML Editors.

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