Elevate Your Froala File Uploads: Harnessing Filestack’s Robust Event System
- Posted on
- By Mostafa Yousef
- In Editor, Tutorials
Table of contents
- Key Takeaways
- Improving the File Upload Cancellation Experience
- Improving the File Upload Start Experience
- Improving the File Upload Progress Experience
- Improving the File Upload Failed Experience
- Improving the Successful Uploads Experience
- Improving the Upload End Experience
- How Filestack Integration in Froala Editor Works?
- Conclusion
Filestack doesn’t just offer a reliable file uploading solution – it empowers you to craft a truly exceptional user experience. By harnessing Filestack’s robust event system, you can take control of every step of the file upload process and delight your users like never before.
The Filestack events allow developers to handle different scenarios, such as when a file is selected, when the upload is in progress, or when the upload is completed.
By leveraging these events, developers can create a more seamless and user-friendly file uploading experience for your users. This can include providing feedback on the upload status, handling errors, and integrating the uploaded files into the application’s workflow. This is the power of Filestack’s events that you can leverage to enhance the file uploading experience within the Froala editor.
In a previous article, we explored the foundational events like onOpen
, onFileSelected
, and onCancel
. Now, let’s dive deeper and uncover how the onFileUploadCancel
, onFileUploadFailed
, onFileUploadFinished
, and other Filestack events can help you elevate your file uploading experience to new heights.
Key Takeaways
- Filestack’s robust event system allows developers to handle different scenarios in the file upload process, such as file selection, upload progress, upload completion, and errors.
- By leveraging events like
, and others, developers can create a more seamless, transparent, and user-friendly file management workflow within their Froala-powered applications. - Implementing these Filestack events allows developers to provide visual feedback, handle errors gracefully, and integrate the uploaded files into their application’s functionality, resulting in a more polished and delightful experience for users.
- Integrating Filestack into Froala-based applications unlocks the full potential of file management, allowing developers to enhance their users’ trust and confidence in their application’s file handling capabilities.
Improving the File Upload Cancellation Experience
The onFileUploadCancel
event lets you handle when a user cancels a file upload. By listening to this event, you can:
- Provide visual feedback to the user
- Update the application’s state
- Ensure a smooth experience even when a file upload is interrupted
This event gives you control to gracefully handle cancellations and maintain the coherence of your application’s file management workflow.
The onFileUploadCancel
event receives an object containing the cancelled file’s metadata. You can use this information to update your UI and application state accordingly.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onFileUploadCancel: (file) => { console.log(file.size); } } } });
By handling the onFileUploadCancel
event, you can create a more responsive and transparent file uploading experience for your users.
Improving the File Upload Start Experience
The onUploadStarted
and onFileUploadStarted
events let you know when a file upload has begun. By handling these events, you can keep users informed about the status of their uploads, which builds trust and confidence in your application’s file management capabilities.
The onUploadStarted
event fires when the user clicks the upload button. It provides an array of file metadata objects. The onFileUploadStarted
event fires when a file begins uploading. It provides the metadata for the file being uploaded.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onUploadStarted: (files) => { console.log(files[0].size); }, onFileUploadStarted: (file) => { console.log(file.size); }, } } });
Improving the File Upload Progress Experience
The onFileUploadProgress
event allows you to track the multi-part upload progress of local files. This enables you to provide users with a visual representation of the upload status, such as progress bars or spinners. By leveraging this event, you can create a more responsive and transparent file uploading experience, building trust and confidence in your application.
The onFileUploadProgress
event fires repeatedly during the file upload process. It provides the file metadata and an FSProgressEvent
object containing information about the upload progress.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onFileUploadProgress: (file, ProgressEvent) => { console.log(file.size); console.log(ProgressEvent); } } } });
By handling the onFileUploadProgress
event, you can create a more engaging and informative file uploading experience for your users.
Improving the File Upload Failed Experience
The onFileUploadFailed
event lets you handle failed file uploads. This allows you to provide users with meaningful feedback and guidance. When this event fires, you can:
- Display error messages to inform users about the issue
- Suggest troubleshooting steps to help users resolve the problem
- Automatically retry the upload to recover from the failure
By handling the onFileUploadFailed
event, you can significantly improve the overall user experience. This makes your application more resilient and user-friendly. It ensures users are never left in the dark when encountering upload issues, fostering trust and confidence in your application’s file management capabilities.
The onFileUploadFailed
event provides the file metadata and an error object. You can use this information to give users the necessary feedback and guidance.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onFileUploadFailed: (file, error) => { console.log(file.size); console.log(error); } } } });
By handling the onFileUploadFailed
event, you can create a more robust and user-friendly file uploading experience.
Improving the Successful Uploads Experience
The onFileUploadFinished
event lets you handle successful file uploads. When this event fires, you can:
- Update your application’s state to reflect the new file
- Integrate the uploaded file into your workflow
- Provide visual feedback to the user, such as a success message
This event allows you to seamlessly incorporate the uploaded files into your application. This creates a cohesive and efficient file management experience for your users. By handling onFileUploadFinished
, you can ensure your application responds effectively to successful file uploads, enhancing the overall user experience.
The onFileUploadFinished
event provides the uploaded file’s metadata, which you can use to update your application accordingly.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onFileUploadFinished: (file) => { console.log(file.size); } } } });
You can create a more polished and user-friendly file uploading experience by leveraging the event.
Improving the Upload End Experience
The onUploadDone
event allows you to handle the completion of a file upload, whether successful or not. This event gives you the opportunity to perform cleanup, update your application’s state, or trigger additional actions based on the upload outcome. By using this event, you can ensure a seamless and comprehensive file management experience, allowing users to confidently interact with your application’s file handling.
The onUploadDone
event receives an object containing two arrays: filesFailed
and filesUploaded
. The filesFailed
array contains metadata for failed uploads, while the filesUploaded
array contains metadata for successful uploads. You can use this information to take appropriate actions, such as displaying error messages for failed uploads or integrating the successful uploads into your application.
new FroalaEditor("div#froala-editor", { filestackOptions: { filestackAPI: 'yourAPIKey', pickerOptions: { onUploadDone: (files) => { console.log(files.filesUploaded[0].size); }, } } });
How Filestack Integration in Froala Editor Works?
The Filestack integration in Froala Editor provides a straightforward way to enable powerful file management and upload capabilities. This integration was introduced in Froala V4.3, making it easy for developers to leverage Filestack’s features.
To get started, you’ll need a free Filestack API key. Once you have that, you can follow the steps outlined in the Filestack integration guide for Froala. This guide will walk you through the necessary setup and configuration to integrate Filestack within your Froala-powered application.
With the Filestack plugin, Froala developers can unlock a wide range of file management features, including:
- Seamless file uploads
- Robust file processing capabilities
- Advanced file transformation options
- Secure file storage and delivery
By integrating Filestack, Froala developers can enhance the file handling experience for their users, creating a more polished and feature-rich application.
In this article, we demonstrate how Filestack’s robust event system can help Froala developers elevate the file uploading experience for their users. By leveraging events like onFileUploadCancel
, onFileUploadFailed
, onFileUploadFinished
, and others, you can create a more seamless, transparent, and user-friendly file management workflow within your Froala-powered applications.
Implementing these Filestack events allows you to provide visual feedback, handle errors gracefully, and integrate the uploaded files into your application’s functionality. This results in a more polished and delightful experience for your users, building their trust and confidence in your application’s file handling capabilities.
If you’re a Froala developer looking to enhance your file uploading experience, we encourage you to explore the power of Filestack’s events. Integrate Filestack into your Froala-based applications and unlock the full potential of file management for your users. Get started with Filestack today and take your Froala-powered experiences to new heights!
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