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List of Charts

Given below is the list of charts in Froala Charts along with their JavaScript chart alias. You can use this alias to create an instance of a particular chart type, in your JavaScript code.

Froala Charts offers all the general-purpose charts like column, bar, line, area, pie, combination and stacked charts.

Single Series Charts

Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Pie pie
Doughnut doughnut
Column column
Bar bar
Area area
Line line

Stacked Charts

Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Stacked Column stackedcolumn
Stacked Bar stackedbar
Stacked Area stackedarea

Combination Charts

Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Combination combination

XY Plot Charts

Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Scatter scatter
Bubble bubble


Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Angular Gauge angulargauge

Other Charts

Chart Type JavaScript Alias
Funnel funnel
Pyramid pyramid
Heatmap heatmap
Sankey sankey
Chord chord
Radar radar
Timeseries timeseries