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.NET File Server Delete

How it works

  1. Code intercepts the file removed from the editor.
  2. Removing a file sends to the server a request to delete the file from disk.
  3. Once the request reaches the server, it deletes the file.

Jump to Complete Example

Intercept file being removed

Removing a file from the editor triggers two events: froalaEditor.file.beforeRemove and froalaEditor.file.removed. You can use either of them to delete the file from the server, however it is recomended to use the second one, since at that point you make sure that the file was removed from the editable area.

Send request to the server

There is no built-in feature that makes the request to the server, however you can use an AJAX request.

  // Catch the file being removed.
  var editor = new FroalaEditor('selector');['file.unlink'] = function (e, editor, file) {
      // Request method.
      method: 'POST',

      // Request URL.
      url: '/FroalaApi/DeleteFile',

      // Request params.
      data: {
        src: file.getAttribute('href')
    .done (function (data) {
      console.log ('File was deleted');
    .fail (function (err) {
      console.log ('File delete problem: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Delete the file

The server implementation is responsible for receiving the request and handling it appropriately. The code on the previous step makes the file path available in the HttpContext global variable. The FroalaEditor.File.Delete() method from the .NET SDK expects the path of the file to remove from disk.

Note: The path is relative to the project root.

FroalaEditor.File.Delete("/Public/" + HttpContext.Request.Form["src"]);

Complete Example

  // Catch the file being removed.
  var editor = new FroalaEditor('selector');['file.unlink'] = function (e, editor, file) {
      // Request method.
      method: 'POST',

      // Request URL.
      url: '/FroalaApi/DeleteFile',

      // Request params.
      data: {
        src: file.getAttribute('href')
    .done (function (data) {
      console.log ('File was deleted');
    .fail (function (err) {
      console.log ('File delete problem: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace demo.Controllers
    public class FroalaApiController : Controller
        public ActionResult DeleteImage()
                FroalaEditor.File.Delete("/Public/" + HttpContext.Request.Form["src"]);
            catch (Exception e)
                return Json(e);

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