- Getting Started
- Browser Support
- Languages Support
- Shortcuts
- Activation
- Examples
- Customize the Editor
- Use-cases
- Plugins
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- Migration Guides
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- Tutorials
Align Plugin
Align plugin will add these buttons and functionality to Froala editor:
These buttons will display by default at the More paragraph menu.
Plugin methods:
align.apply (value) returns: Object | Set the alignment of the selected paragraphs Value: The alignment value: left, right, center or justify. Type: String |
align.refresh ($btn) returns: Object | Refresh the alignment of the selected paragraphs. $btn: An button element of command. Type: DOM Object |
Add Plugin to your code:
Plugin name: align
Plugin JS Script: ../js/plugins/align.min.js
Or from CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/froala-editor@latest/js/plugins/align.min.js
Plugin CSS link: _